Clay, Dawn, and Aspen


"This is bad... I'm running out of MP and I only have a single MP potion remaining. It isn't enough... I can't hold on healing for much longer...!" Dawn looked calm on the outside but on the inside of her mind was chaos. She had just joined this party by chance while finishing up her tutorial quest. Priests were always welcome to parties because every party needed a healer. She wasn't playing with anyone else so she thought it would be a good idea to join and make new friends.

Little did she know that she'd be dragged into such a hopeless situation and left in a pitiful state.

"Gah!!" one of her party members were flung aside and bitten down on by the lion instantly killing them! There were only her and 4 other people remaining from the original strong party of 10 players. 2 of them were from the party she joined and the other 2 were from the party they teamed up with to take down this boss. 1 warrior, 1 swordsman 2 mages, 1 priest were all that remained.

"T-This isn't possible to beat right now...! We have to escape from here!" one of the mages from the party Dawn's group teamed up with said in a nervous state. He was constantly glancing at his other party member which was the swordsman in the remaining group as though giving him a hint.

The warrior couldn't see what they were up to because he was too busy holding off the monstrous lion! The swordsman was slowly starting to withdraw further and further from the fight while nearing his mage party member.

While the warrior was keeping the wolf occupied, they would find a chance to slip away! After all, if you died in this game your gear had a chance of dropping and you lost EXP! How tragic would that be if they only slowly waited for their deaths!

Although the warrior or mage from Dawn's party didn't notice the other two members movements, Dawn herself did. She looked extremely gloomy as she thought to herself, "Even if I shout out to warn my party members, there's a chance that I'll only end up distracting them and causing one of them to die." Luna was completely seething at the actions of those two players.


The sound of a claw tearing through armor could be heard as the warrior took a massive amount of damage! Luna was barely keeping up with the heals and her mana was rapidly decreasing. If he took another hit like that too soon, they would be completely done for!

As soon as that holy lion monster struck the warrior the fighter and mage made a run for it! They actually ran away from the battle! The remaining warrior and mage were shocked! But it didn't take long before that shock turned into a rage! They abandoned them without warning! Anyone would be boiling with anger after all the sacrifices made for this fight!

"COWARDS!" the warrior shouted in a loud fit of rage before taking out his anger on the holy lion beast before him.

"Clay, Dawn, we'll probably all die here but I'd rather lose a bit of experience and an item than run away with my tail between my legs like those guys!" the mage said visibly upset with a cold look in his eyes as he watched the two players run away.

"Focus on the fight for now Aspen, we still have a chance if we work together properly." Luna said mostly to cheer herself up. She knew that it was nearly impossible while staring at this monstrous beast before them.

[Species: Holy Beast Sun Lion]

[LVL: ??]

[HP: 1,562/10,000]

Clay and Aspen had grim faces when they heard Dawn speak. They knew that she was just trying to cheer them up and give them hope, but this situation was absolutely hopeless. Though, even knowing that they still decided to not give up!




"It is the world boss!" Max said as a look of greed flashed in his eyes. That same look appeared in Liam and Felicia eyes as well. That was a world boss! If they could defeat it the EXP and rewards would be out of this world!

"Look! It's HP is almost down to 1/15, if we help them out, maybe we can actually beat that thing! As for the rewards..." Max didn't need to say anything further. The three of them knew each other well enough to understand what he was getting at.

While they were busy being blinded by greed, Yin and Yang was were over towards the direction that two other people ran. Cowards! That was the only thing that came to mind as Yang scoffed at their actions. He then turned his attention back to the battle that was going on.

"The team battling is pretty good," Yin took a moment to search his memories or rather those he inherited. World bosses are supposed to be one of the most powerful bosses in the game. In the later stages of the game, dragons and unicorns would be world bosses, world bosses were always a few steps ahead of the player base to make a challenge for the players, of course, the rewards were bountiful.

"I see, so that's why it has such low HP. A world boss is meant to be taken on by quite a large group of people. This could be considered one of the easier world bosses taking into account its strength. I guess being a hardcore gamer has its benefits" Yang said to Yin as his attention shifted over towards the Priest in the back, Dawn.

"She manages to perfectly time the heals, there hasn't been a single MP or heal wasted. She is also keeping calm under such an intense situation, not bad. Being able to remain calm in these kinds of situations is something that's hard to accomplish" Yang commented. He had a certain respect for people with that kind of temperament. After all, you could easily teach techniques or skills, but learning how to remain calm under extreme circumstances, not many could successfully do this.

"Hey Yang, look over there, the 3 are heading into battle! Wait, they are PK players! " Yin said

"I can't stand to see such rats in this world, and to see them disrespect such amazing players! Let's ruin their day, what do you say Yin?" yang asked

"Amen!" Yin said as they rushed toward the battle field.