Instant Kill

Yin and Yang then turned his attention to the fight after making sure they were ready and there was only one word to describe the fight infront of them... Disorganized! The fight was a total wreck! Max had messed up the agro with the Sun Lion and it had almost cost Dawn her life! A tank was supposed to know how to properly manage agro, but Max just randomly used skills and didn't pay attention to any of his surroundings.

To make things worse, Felicia was only healing Max even though most of the damage was going straight to Clay, the main tank! To top it all off, Liam wasn't even attacking seriously only popping out to deal damage every once in a while before retreating back to the distance.

Dawn took out an MP potion and drank it down quickly! It had a very bitter taste, but she felt a rejuvenating feeling overcome her.

[+100 MP]

[140/250 MP Remaining! (Dawn)]

Dawn glared at Felicia who seemed to be taking it easy while focusing on healing only Max. To make matters even worse, that Max guy almost killed her by messing up the agro! It was like these guys were trying to slowly whittle away at them!

Though what made Dawn more nervous than anything were the 2 new unknown people who appeared not too far away from them, just out of the distance of the battle. Those people looked calm with cold eyes as though the people they were watching weren't even in their sight. But their faces and masculine build were so attractive, that she was afraid that she would make a mistake because she was day dreaming about being their girlfriends. Dawn's heart was racing as the situation just seemed to deteriorate more and more by the second.

Dawn finally couldn't tolerate it anymore and spoke in a cold tone towards Felicia, "Hey Priest, how about you try to heal someone who is actually taking damage?" She was usually a very quiet person and rarely spoke to others. In fact, the number of sentences she spoke to her current party since they met could be counted on one's fingers. But even she was patient as she was, couldn't continue to ignore their actions!

Felicia's eyes narrowed as she stared towards Dawn as a smug look appeared on her face, "Eh? Are you stupid or something? I'm obviously healing my tank while you heal your tank. Isn't that how it goes? Why should I hold your hand healing a tank you're supposed to be healing?" Felicia snapped back with a cold tone.

Dawn was fuming but she kept a serene mind while focusing on healing Clay. Felicia obviously had no plans to help with healing Clay, to begin with even though he was the main tank. She didn't even bother trying to heal Dawn when she was attacked because of a mistake made by Max.

Dawn simply scoffed before glancing over in the direction where Yin and Yang were standing. They were still standing there with their arms folded, like a ferocious beast waiting to pounce on its prey. She soon became distracted for their beauty and missed a heal.

"ROOOOOOAAAAAR!" the Sun Lion howled loudly as it used its special skill on Clay!

[-100 HP]

[-100 HP]

[-100 HP]

[-100 HP]

[-100 HP]

[-100 HP]

It was a sound attack, so defense was useless against those kinds of attacks, but luckily the damage had a set amount of damage it did.

Clay slashed forward with his sword slashing at the Sun Lion! He managed to get a nice blow in on its neck!

Clang! Slash!

[Critical Hit!]

[-100 HP]

[545/10,000 HP Remaining! (Sun Lion)]

They had managed to get the Shadow down to almost 5% of its HP even while not fully cooperating with together.

Max seemed to withdraw for a moment before an alert went off.

[Ding! Party Leader has changed Loot Settings to Party Leader Select!]

As soon as Dawn, Clay, and Aspen saw that their faces all turned ugly! How shameless could this guy be?! He barely contributes, almost gets one of their members killed and now he changes the loot settings for the party? Were they fools? He obviously planned on taking all the loot for himself and his group!

Clay's eyes immediately turned cold as he gave Max a death stare, "What's the meaning of this?" Clay's voice sounded ice cold as he spoke while trying to restrain his anger.

"Don't worry, it's only to make sure the loot gets divided fairly. You have my word, I'll make sure to divide the loot fairly amongst all of us!" Max said with confidence as though he was in complete control of the situation. Divide? Ha! He would never do that, only Felicia and Liam would get a cut, the others... Well the EXP should be enough for them to be satisfied.

Dawn, Clay, and Aspen were so blinded by rage at that moment that even the always calm and observant Dawn missed a very important alert at the same moment that Mick changed the loot settings. None of them saw that it said....

[Ding! Player Liam has left the party!]

The rogue Liam had left their group and not a single person noticed!


As they kept fighting even though they were visibly upset, Dawn suddenly felt something was off. She had a frown on her face as her first reaction was to look towards Yin and Yang, but they were still just standing there with their arms folded. What was it? What was this gut feeling gnawing at her...

Dawn eyes suddenly widened, "The assassin!" she mumbles to herself before looking around but not seeing them anywhere! She then glanced at the party and saw that there was one less member. Finally, her eyes fell upon the alert she missed!

Dawn had only lost her calm for a brief moment but during that time they managed to set all of this up, this is bad! Just as she was about to warn Clay and Aspen, she heard a shout of pain from her side! It was Clay!

"Gah!!" Clay felt a jolting pain in his neck and then a sharp pain stabbing into his back, he couldn't move at all!

Behind him was an assassin, it was Liam! He had used two assassin skills on Quince [Pressure Point] and [Backstab], before following up with a basic attack. Clay had naturally strong defenses but he was weak because of the Sun Lion, if Clay was gone, it would ruin the pace of the battle.

[Pressure Point (D): Deals 50% of the user ATK as damage. This skill has a low chance of stunning the target for 1 second if it successfully hits. Cooldown: 10 min LVL: 0]

[-50 HP]

He soon then attacked this his dagger

[Critical Hit]

[-100 HP]

[-50 HP]

[250/1500 HP Remaining! (Clay)]

Clay was absolutely shocked, he couldn't even react! He only had 150 HP remaining after that attack and the Sun Lion was still infront of him, and during that time Dawn couldn't accord to heal him!

"Clay!" Aspen shouted when he saw the alert, but the Lion's agro was still focused on him, if he turned away, it would probably chase after Dawn next because of her healing agro. He couldn't let her go through that after all the help she gave them! Clay was almost sent into a frenzy at that moment, he felt as though he was being toyed with by these guys. But what he regretted the most was that he was the one who invited them to the party out of desperation!

"Good job Liam! Hahaha, now take care of the Priest so we can finish off this boss and collect the prize, don't worry, with the three of us here there's no way the warrior can survive!" Max said full of authority and confidence as though he was a leader with unmatched scheming.

Dawn's heart became ice cold as she saw Liam smirk before vanishing from view.

"You animal! Do you dare to fight me first?!" Clay couldn't help it any longer and turned his back to try and run towards Dawn to protect her, but before he could even get halfway there the Sun Lion pounced on him!


The Sun Lion lashed out with its large claw towards Clay, the agro was still on him after all!

[-240 HP]

[10/1500 HP Remaining! (Clay)]

He had paid the price for turning his back on the Sun Lion while having agro, he had lost a whopping 240 HP! Halls was skating on thin ice and had no choice but to turn and continue to confront the Lion.

Meanwhile Max and Felicia seemed to be enjoying the show that was going to happen soon. Felicia especially was excited, after all, Dawn had spoken to her as though she above her! "Hmph! Acting all high and mighty, let's see you do so now!" Felicia smiled waiting for Liam to make his move.

Dawn was on high alert, she was still trying to focus on healing Clay, but she only had 80 HP Remaining! She bit down on her lower lip trying to maintain a calm composure, but she didn't know what to do in this situation! "From the back...!" Dawn suddenly turned and raised her staff up to block!


Liam actually attacked from the front, so when Dawn turned around she completely let her guard down! A large grin appeared on Liam's face, this was going to be an easy kill!

Dawn was shocked, she was so exhausted from the constant high tension battle that she miscalculated! This was it, it was all over... She simply closed her eyes and waited for the dagger to strike her.

Zoom! Ziiiiiiiiiiiiing! Clank!

Dawn still had her eyes shut tightly but she didn't feel anything, in fact, she felt as though she hadn't even been struck. She slowly opened her eyes and turned around completely shocked! It was him! But when did he even get here? Suddenly what she saw and heard next surprised her.

"Master Swordsman's Swords Dance"

That sound earlier was the sound of Yang unsheathing, striking and sheathing his sword all in one smooth motion.

Liam stood there, his eyes widened as though he couldn't believe it! Max and Felicia were also surprised by the sudden turn of events. That was the most handsome man they have ever seen and probably will ever see and he actually attacked them! They were utterly shocked!

Liam saw the damage number on his screen and thought it must've been a bug, that guy was only level 16, he couldn't see his name, but there was no way that number could be so high! It had to be a bug!

[-400 HP]

[0/225 HP Remaining! (Liam)]

[Ding! Player Liam has died!]

It was an Instant Kill!