Yin's Massacre!

[Ding! Player Liam has died!]

Yang glanced at Dawn before turning back to look over at Max and Felicia. He thought about just eliminating everyone and claiming the prize for himself after all, in his world, it was survival of the fittest. But this wasn't that world, he had goals that he had to accomplish in this world and wouldn't needlessly create enmity with everyone he came across.

"Hey, Priest. How many more of those heals do you have left?" Yang spoke but his eyes never left Max and Felicia, it was as though he was an ancient beast waiting to devour its prey.

Dawn blinked a bit few times, she was still quite shocked. She was shocked about his damage and stuff but she was even more shocked about how they got here at such a fast pace. She could swear she saw a man with a sword piggy back riding on another man who was running at unimaginable speeds. Dawn quickly snapped out of it and regained her composure and a serene mind.

"I have 5 heals remaining" Dawn had taken her last mana potion earlier and used a heal to recover some of Clay's HP, after that, she had healed healing Aspen. So she had enough mana to use only 5 more heals.

Dawn didn't know who this person was but he had saved her life and didn't seem to hold any malicious intent. Plus, it seemed as though he had some grievances with those other players to settle.

Yang nodded, "You and the tank leave the party and invite me and my brother, Yin. Try to stay alive until I finish those guys off. Think you can handle that?" Yang said as he pointed towards the direction of Yin.

Then it struck her. 'A-are these guys from the universe announcement, THE Yin and Yang!' Dawn thought in her mind with amazement. 'OMG! Hidden Classes or so OP!'.

The Yang waved his hand infront of her face. "Hello, are you going to help me destroy these PK players?" Yang asked.

Dawn's heart grew extremely cold as she nodded. Originally there was no reason to conflict with one another, but these players but the battle in jeopardy and almost killed her! Even if one had the patience of a saint there was still only so much they could tolerate! "I can!" Dawn sounded firm and resolute.

Dawn spoke with Clay over the party communication and he agreed. At this point, there wasn't much else he could do except firmly hold his ground and hope for the best. Besides, throughout this battle, he learned to trust Dawn and her judgment, if she thought it was best to do so then he wouldn't fight her on it.

[Ding! Player Clay has left the party!]

[Ding! Player Dawn has left the party!]

[Ding! Player Dawn would like to invite you to a party along with Player Clay! Do you wish to accept?]

"Accept!" Yin and Yang said without hesitating in the slightest manner.

Dawn and Clay were both curious as to what the class and level these players would have to be to one shot someone and when they saw his class, they were utterly shocked! the system didn't even show their classes, all it showed was [No class]?! They were surprised, never in their wildest dreams would they have thought that a man with no class would do this much damage! This had to be some kind of bug right?!

"M-Max, what are you going to do? That guy just instant killed Liam!" Felicia was frightened! Felicia's face turned very ugly as she thought about all those things and her potential fate. Felicia wasn't the only one nervous, Max had cold sweats on his back. Wasn't this guy just a noob or some snotty rich kid? But he just one shotted Liam with a sword. He is weak, but on one in the game should be gone in one shot! This guy is hacking!

Max's fear slowly started to turn into anger at allowing himself to be fooled by Yang, he had to die no matter what!

"It was just luck! Liam was already low on HP from the Sun Lion's sound attack. He must've just put all his stat points into nothing not attack and got a lucky critical hit! Hmph, trying to pretend he's amazing, he just got lucky!" Max was starting to feel more and more confident as he came up with reasons that justified what happened.

"Besides, he's just a coward who sneaks attacks others, how shameless!" Max spat to the side in a show of scorn.

'T-that's right, he just got lucky... That has to be it! Heh, and to think I was actually a bit scared for a moment there. Just a tiny lizard who thinks he's a dragon!' Felicia had also regained her confidence after listening to what Mick said to her, it all sounded logical and without fault.

Clay and Dawn almost coughed up blood from anger when they heard the shameless words leaving Max and Felicia's mouths! Shameless? Coward? Sneak attack? Weren't they describing themselves?!

First, Max and his two members offered to help them. Then, when Clay gave Max the party leader position to invite the assassin, he suddenly jumped into battle without giving the lead back. To make things even worse, they were purposely sabotaging some moments of the battle and almost got Dawn killed! Their Priest was only healing Max even though Clay was taking most of the damage. The worse thing of all was that not only did Max change the loot settings to party leader only, but their assassin left the party and sneak attacked Clay and tried to even finish off Dawn! Yet they had the nerve to sit here and call Yin and Yang all those things?! How could Clay and Dawn not be completely enraged by their attitudes?!

Yin grinned a bit while slowly walking forward closer to Max and Felicia. He didn't even find it necessary to waste words on trash like this, but he couldn't help but speak after seeing how foolishly they were acting.

Luck? Did we need that? Coward? In his thousands of years in the 9 realms, no one had dared call him a coward! Sneak attack? He was clearly standing in the open before he attacked, they were just completely ignoring him because they believed he wasn't a threat.

"Good, very good. I can't remember the last time someone has called me a shameless coward. I guess that must make the both you a piece of trash. No, even a piece of trash is too good for you, you're nothing. You're just insects who feast on pieces of trash!" Yin didn't make wasting any more words and made his move rushing forward towards Max and Felicia.

'Shadow Steps' Yin said to himself as his agility shot up as his body seemed to be turning into a phantom! A 500% boost to his agility for 10 seconds! His base agility was at 60, so with the help of [Shadow Steps] his agility would become 300! That was even more than the Sun Lion's monstrous agility, and it is a world boss!

Max and Felicia could barely even react to the Sun Lion's agility and that was only because Clay was such a good tank, constantly keeping the focus on him and shifting to cover for their weak spots and making good calls. All they saw were intangible images of Yin as he moved closer to them.

They were scared senseless! Such speed shouldn't be possible! He was even faster than the Sun Lion! Doomed, they were doomed! Max and Felicia's faces turned extremely hideous at the turn of events. But they had no choice but to fight now, there was no way Yin would forgive them by this point.

Max grit his teeth and tightened his defenses, "Look you can have all the loot okay? We will even help you get rid of those other two and listen to what you say from now on. Okay, so how about we just let bygones be bygones?" Max was still trying to salvage things even in this situation.

When Dawn and Clay heard Max, they both wanted to strangle him themselves! Even in this situation, he could still act so shamelessly!

But would Yin trust the words of a such a shameless person? The answer was no! Even if he did, Max and Felicia had crossed his bottom line time and time again, they both had to die!

Yin's Spectral Fang in one smooth motion was unleashed, and slashed forward.

[-40 HP]

[-40 HP]

[-40 HP]

[-80 HP]

[-40 HP]

[Ding! Player Max has died!]

Max felt as though he had been toyed with all along and that it wasn't him scheming against Yin, but Yin scheming against him! "I won't rest until you die!" Max shouted though it was the last thing he shouted before a sword descended towards him slashing cleanly across his chest.

"Then, I'll be waiting" Yin spoke in a cold tone.

Felicia's mind was going crazy, defeating players at such a speed was unheard of! He was too powerful!

"Master Assassin's Fury" Yin said in a calm voice.

[Critical Hit!]

[-400 HP]

"It seems if you hit actual vital points, there's a high chance that it'll be a critical hit." Yin thought to himself

[0/150 HP Remaining! (Felicia)]

[Ding! Player Felicia has died!]

400 damage! This should be illegal! Soon, Felicia died and she was crying, not because she was dead, it was because two of the most hottest men she has ever met killed her!

"By Felicia." Yin said with a chuckle.

Max, Liam, and Felicia had all been eliminated by Yin, just one person! What a frightening player!

Yin then turned his attention towards the battle with the Sun Lion, it seemed things were becoming more and more intense since they had no damage dealer to do any real damage to the Sun Lion. Its HP didn't move much from where it was before.

[1,225/10,000 HP Remaining! (Sun Lion)]

[110/1500 HP Remaining! (Clay)]

[80/180 HP Remaining! (Luna)]

[500/500 HP Remaining! (Yin)]

[500/500 HP Remaining! (Yang)]

Yang placed his hand on the hilt of his sword, Yin still had 7 seconds remaining on his [Shadow Steps] after dealing with Felicia and Max.

It was time to defeat a world boss!