The Devil's Smile

Once they arrived at the platform, the passengers got off the ship and entered the beautiful land of Seui Cheon!

'Seems like the 9 realms here are not the same as the past one, maybe a lot of time has gone by.' Yang thought.

"Well then, it was nice meeting you, I shall see you later." Gojo said

"K, see ya!" Yin said with a playful smile behind his mask.

"See you later." Yang said.

The other three were way to scared to tell anything to Gojo, they just hide themselves when Gojo came by.

"Well then, what shall be do here?" Yang said while looking at the gigantic city before them.

Seui Cheon was filled with almost anything you could think about. Shops, Restaurants, Banks, Gyms, Auctions, Parks, Homes (for stupidly rich people), and even Arcades! There was so much to do in this gigantic place that it was only natural to think of "what to do".

"We could try out different foods, or go shopping for clothes, or eat food, did I already say that?" Clay said as he looked out for any restaurants, he was a big foody.

"I think we have to get clothes first to fit into the eastern continent. We can get food after that but we got to be quick, our next flight starts at 3:00." Yang said as he lead the group to the first store.

After they got their clothes, they decided to go to the restaurant, but they ran into a little trouble along the way.

When Yang lead the group towards a restaurant, they bumped into a cultivator named Savage.

He was a Demonic Practitioner of the Blood Sanctuary, a sect that practices stealing one lifeforce to heal oneself, Savage was a Outer disciple in the sect and held a mountain of pride that was not to be stepped on.

"Hey you! How dare you bump into me, Outer disciple of the Blood Sanctuary, Savage!"

Everyone gasped, the Blood Sanctuary was a forbidden sect that if anyone related was spotted, would be immediately executed and their soul destroyed.

'Dammit! I said it outloud again! Master will kill me! It's all his fault, if he didn't bump into me! He looks powerful... Lets kill him! He will be an amazing offering for Master! But I also have to get "that" item, let's do this quickly!' Savage thought.

"I did not bump into you with any utilitor motives, it was simply a mistake, now, if you will please let me continue..."

"Those who disrespect me shall die, their is no chance for you!" Savage said as he rushed toward Yang at a stupidly fast pace.

The Blood Sanctuary sect was different from other sects within RPF due to one major thing; the way they increased their power. Most human existences do not evolve like their practitioners, the way their practitioners evolve is by killing, killing, and killing! They gain strength from the bloodbaths they create, killing monsters don't benefit them, only killing humans will strengthen their body, the stronger the better. They inherited this power from the demon race, the race that was ruled by the Demon King, the incarnation of evil! The demons lived on the Shadahi plane, a place of evil and hatred, you could say Hell is a paradise compared to the Shadahi plane. The demons traversed Realms using their plane as it was not a realm, but it could be considered one. They used their power to bless humans with their ability to grow stronger by killing which ultimately created the Blood Sanctuary. This is why long ago the divine beings beyond the firmament split the 9 Realms and Shadahi plane into two separate parts. The all-seeing goddess Lucina along with Drevior, the divine punisher and many other divine beings, worked together to imprison "him". However, since "he" was too powerful to kill or banish from the mortal plane, they could only use the «Chains of Divine Punishment». The «Chains of Divine Punishment» was crafted from a divine material that could seal anything including divine beings, but even with such a formidable force suppressing "him", the seal would not last for an eternity as it was supposed to.

What made the demons unique was the fact that they were all given life by the same existence. As long as that existence remains sealed, the source of their power would be severely limited. However, there was one item that if its energy was harnessed correctly, could remove a demon's weakened state and bypass the seal placed upon "him" in order to directly draw strength from the source.

You could say Savage drew his strength directly from "him", but in truth, he has only received the [Minor Blessing of the Demon], nothing like the strength of the [Blessing of the Demon King]. As such his power is not to his full potential (not that anyone wanted it to be.)

'He has it! The thing that has release the seal of the great one!' Savage thought.

"That terrifying thing carries the divine blood within it, so those polluted by its power will have only one task... Ha... Muwahahaha! MUWHAHAHA!" the entire street began to violently shake as if it were going to collapse from the pressure. Savage calmed down trying not to get too excited, "They shall be the one who will free the great one!"

Yang inspected Savage and was surprised about his stats!

[Savage: Outer Disciple]

[LVL: 26]


[ATK: 87]

[DEF: 64]

[AGI: 92]

[MAG: 32]


As Clay parried the attack, Luna cast «Healing Essence» once and «Cure» twice to bring his HP back to a safe point. She used a total of 150 MP within just 2-3 seconds and so quickly removed a «Lesser Mana Potion» from her inventory and drank it to regain some MP back.

[Savage has become [Paralyzed] due to contact with shield]

[-1063 HP [Bloody Sword Slash (Parried)]

[+75 HP [Healing Essence]

[+225 HP [Cure]

[+225 HP [Cure]

[975/1,500 HP Remaining [Halls]

[+100 MP [Lesser Mana Potion]

[220/220 MP Remaining [Luna]

Just as Yang's «Heaven Breaker» was about to pass by the neck of Savage, the whole palace began to shake violently throwing everyone off balance, even Savage. Yang's sword just missed Savage's vital point as he sliced into their chest area. However, Yang adjusted himself midair and quickly used [SSS Sword Dance (abbreviation)] to accurately strike the neck of Commander Ekquilore, making his sword slash out twice in quick succession.

[85 Damage [Basic Attack]

[Critical Hit: 255 Damage [SSS Sword Dance]

[Critical Hit: 425 Damage [SSS Sword Dance]

[96% HP Remaining [Savage]

[Battle Alert: Savage is no longer [Paralyzed]

As the «Paralyzed» effect ended on Savage, Clay was back within fighting range and used [Taunting Aura] to pull the focus of attacks onto him. The same time that took place, a blazing ball of fire soared through the air and crashed into the body of Savage. Aspen shot off a «Fireball» and was getting ready to instantly follow it with his [Ignite] skill, however, just before she was about to cast it she felt an unbearable pressure fall upon him.

"Weak mortals!" Savage unleashed a deadly aura of suppression from his body as it engulfed Aspen and locked him into place.

[Battle Alert: Player Aspen is «Stunned» for 2 seconds]

Afterward, the temperature within the atmosphere seemed to skyrocket and everyone felt as though they were being boiled alive.

Aspen was already cursing his bad luck to be the first one hit by that stun ability, but he did not even have time to finish doing so before another unfortunate event took place.

Yang could sense that something was about to happen and instantly retreated. Soon after, the hallway was covered in pitch black flames that raged about. Dawn was smart enough to retreat a few meters back. Dawn was not too far away from the limit of its range and so only had to retreat a few meters back. Aspen, however, was unlucky enough to be the target of Savage's [Demonic Suppression]. She was unable to retreat to a safe distance since her [Fireball] skill required her to be within 20 meters of the target in order to cast it.

[249 Damage [Fireball]

[95% HP Remaining [Savage]

Clay understood that he did not have the agility to escape in time, so he could only make the best of it and use one of his emergency skills. After all, this boss hit way too hard for him to leave anything to chance. His body became cloaked in a soft light blue energy, but even though it appeared to be soft it was actually a sturdy defensive aura. This was one of the new abilities he learned after leveling up, [Mana Cloak]. With this skill stacked on top of Dawn's [Healing Essence], the damage from the black flames was almost completely negligible.

[Mana Cloak (C): Create a cloak of mana that increases defense by 35% for 10 seconds. Cooldown: 3 min LVL: MAX]

[-98 HP [Hell Spark]

[+75 HP [Healing Essence]

[952/1,500 HP Remaining [Clay]

[-150 HP [Hell Spark]

[110/260 HP Remaining [Aspen]

Clay and Aspen were struck by the flames. However, Yang, Yin and Dawn were successful in retreating out of range in time. Luckily the skill was not instant and possessed a small time window in order to retreat for those close enough to the edge of the skill range, or fast enough to sprint out of it like Yin.

[Battle Alert: Player Aspen is no longer «Stunned»]

The «Stunned» effect finally ended on Aspen and he immediately cast [Mana Shield] to protect himself from further damage. It was too late to move out of the attack range for him and so he could only take the remaining damage and launch a counterattack.

[Mana Shield (C): Create a shield of mana infront of the caster equal to 150% of the users magic that can absorb attacks for up to 20 seconds. Cooldown: 30 sec LVL: 2]

Thanks to his [Mana Shield] skill, Aspen received no loss of HP from the final two ticks of the [Hell Spark] damage.

After the 6 seconds passed, Savage became motionless as the fire within the walkway began to vanish.

Yang frowned while continuing his assault using «Flickering Steps», he could not help but think to himself, "Something feels really off about this fight..." this man was much tougher and stronger than any of the previous disciples of the Blood sect he fought. He had a feeling that this fight would be a challenge, yet that was not the case at all. Yang trusted his intuition when it came to things like this because it was nearly always right.

Even though they all had this bad premonition, none of them stopped attacking. They were shaving away at the HP of Savage.





When the Savage's HP reached the 25% mark, something happened that made everyone's facial expression slightly change.

[Battle Alert: Savage begins to draw in a greater power!]

[Battle Alert: Savage has entered his second phase!]

As more power flowed into Savage, his body began to slowly increase until he was 2 meters taller. A thin and transparent chain started to appear around his body as if it were going to suppress the sudden surge in power.

It was the «Chains of Divine Punishment» activating, however, Commander Ekquilore's power stopped growing just before the effects of it rendered him as a greater threat, and so the transparent chains forming around him vanished.

During that period of time, Yin and Yang felt their body grow restless and slightly vibrate as if something were disturbing it. It was as though they were being forced toward him, like metal resisting a magnet.

"Mortals, come with me so that you may die a quick and painless death and be free from an eternity of suffering" Savage looked even more intimidating than before, but the party obviously would not listen to the words of a monster. Even more so when their only option was death!

"They can't win!"

"It's a monsta!"


Yin still had around 11 seconds remaining on his [Shadow Steps]. His afterimages were constantly flickering all over the hallway as he was observing the changes that happened to Savage.

The strange thing was that after Savage entered into the second stage, his stats had no major changes whatsoever. The only notable difference was its increase in height and size.

"It can't be that simple..." Yin thought to himself as he dashed forward continuing his assault on Savage. He was confident that as long as he was not the target of that stun, there would be no way to touch him during his current state.

Suddenly, Savage started to glow red as his fist came raining down onto Yin at a speed that could destroy him in seconds.

As soon as his fist landed, he said in a deep voice "He is done, time to kill the rest of you!"

"Haha!" Yin laughed, "You actually thought you got me!" Yin said.

"B-But how? I got rid of you!" Savage said in shock.

"You fool, when will you learn that I, Yin shall never perish, you shall experience enlightenment!" Yin said with pride.

'N-No impossible this cannot be!" Savage was stupefied.

'Dammit I'll have to use forbidden technique! It may cripple me, but it will make master proud!' Savage thought while yelling "BE GRATEFUL THAT YOU WILL DIE BY MY HANDS!"

"Is that what I think it is? Well then, we shall banish you with words that will rot your brain!" Yin said with a smirk and looked at Yang as if Yang knew what he was about to do. (Look at the paragraph comments to see what face he made!)

Yang replied with the same face. (Look at the paragraph comments to see what face he made!)

It was funny because they weren't even able to look at each others face due to the mask.


[-25% mental damage [Yin and Yang]

[You have created a new skill]

[Scaring Voice (A): Use your voice to deal mental damage to your enemy. If the enemy has mental defence, the damage will be drastically reduced. Deals up to 50% damage. Cooldown: 2 weeks LVL: 0]

Slowly, Savage started to fade away and disappear, when NPC's died, they would never respawn, they would instead reincarnate.

"NOOOOOOOOO! I'LL BE BACCKKK!!!" Savage said his ashes drifted into the air

"Holy Fuck!" Clay, Dawn, and Aspen said at the same time.