The Meeting

[Sorry for the 1 month leave, it was because I was addicted to a game, you can't blame me, I will try to do at least 3 chapters a week, now let's start!]


"Well then, it seems I came a bit too late."

"Who are you?" Yin said in a threatening voice thinking that Savages backup has arrived.

"Oh, you don't recognize me? I thought you two were smarter than those mortals over their?" asked the person who appeared from the aftermath of the battle.

"Ah, Gojo my friend, how is it going!" Yin said while rushing in to hug him.

"I am doing fine, looks like I had no need to worry about coming here, a demonic practitioner huh, well then, this may be able to be some some use." Gojo said as he suddenly summoned a purple vortex with his hand that sucked the corps into a different dimension.

"Well then, I see you are going to the Cultivation realm, well good luck you two, you may need it." Gojo said as he patted Yin and Yangs shoulers.


Suddenly, Yin, Yang, and Gojo zapped out of existence, only to leave a blue mist behind for everyone to see.

"Where did they go, that bastard, I'll kill him... maybe not..." Clay said.

"My rival! I must save him, then he will keep he in high regard!" Aspen proclaimed.

"Everyone split up! Yin and Yang have the tickets! We must find them to continue our journey!" Dawn said in panic, she was unsure of where they were, but she could keep a cool head in tough situations.

Soon the three split up searching for the two in all directions. (really hopeless)



Yin, Yang, and Gojo were transported into a big room filled with a magical energy, the room had many ancient runes inscripted all around, the craftsmanship was extraordinary giving of the feeling that this room was a place that only peerless geniuses could reside.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD, YOU THINK YOU CAN BE LATE TO THE ONE MEETING WE HAVE EVERY CENTURY!" and old man said as he threw a giant book at lightning speed towards Gojos head.

The old man had advanced gear on him. Mechanical arms and feet that glowed blue on the inside. He had a robotic eye on one side while having another eye which glowed blue. He had a white beard and a little bit of hair on hid head, looks like he is bald. He was the main power of Cratos, Frank. Surprisingly short.

"I get it, its just that I met two amazing kids with big potential..." Gojo said as he caught the book. "Wait!" Gojo said as he turned around only to see Yin and Yang standing their in a daze.

"What the hell is this place! It is the most beautiful thing I have seen yet! (in this life)" he murmured.

"I love how they used runes that emit magical energy to make this place more beautiful, what a waist of energy." Yang said in a facepalm.

"You dare say such insults infront of me, the the apostle of the God of Craft, Elkan!" the man said as he threw a blacksmith hammer toward Yang.

He had a apron full of shiny tools used for blacksmithing. His face was quite young and he had a perfect body, not too buff, but did not have sticks and muscles either. His eyes where an orange-red hue and his hair was brown. He was not a main power, but was a very respected person due to him being the best blacksmith in the universe.

"Ooo! I love this place already! They throw a lot of stuff!" Yin said as he enjoyed the scene.

"STOP!" Gojo said as he caught the hammer, he dropped it because of the burn it caused on his hand, but it healed instantly.

"First, I have to say i'm sorry that you were bought into this mess. You see, i was supposed to head to this meeting first, but since your battle happened I had to check it out since its every main powers duty to keep Seui Cheon safe."(this is the reason that owning a residence here would cost 100 lifetimes worth of money, after all, it is protected by 4 main powers!)

"The way you got here was buy that dickhead teleporting me, which in turn teleported you guys here." Gojo said as he pointed toward a young woman in purple robes.

She was very fair, her beauty would attract anyone... from earth. Seriously, beauty as really downgraded these years. She wore purple robes with black inscriptions on them. She had black hair with purple strands at the tips. Her eyes were a deep purple-light purple hue, if you looked into her eyes, you would see an endless void. Powerwise, she could destroy people out of existence, or torture them to death. She was not a main power, but she was the CEO of the Planet Travel System, Versa.

"Don't blame me! You were just late, if anything, blame Terul!" she said as she pointed towards a man in blue mage robes.

He had amazing facial features, amazing jawline with deep blue eyes, black curly hair, looks like an insanely degraded version of Yin. He had blue robes with yellow lines going down the edges. He was holding a wand filled with magical energy, it held a white orb at the top, All the elements were circling it at the top. He was one of the 2 main powers of Arcerus, the other being Quinn, a knight.

"Don't blame me Gojo, you were just late." Terul said as he shrugged his shoulders. "Quinn is searching for a new "challenge" to face, so I will be handling all the information of Arcerus. After all, Quinn and his antics will probably..."

"Shut up! Let's just start already, I'm getting impatient! I have a whole sect to run after all!" an old man sitting on a green dragon said.

The old man had a very profound aura, almost as if he was a king. He wore bright white cultivation robes that paled in comparison to Yangs white hair. He also wore a golden head piece that symbolised that he was the founder of a powerful sect. The green dragon was probably a wind dragon, specialized in flying. The dragon had a calm expression on its face, but on the inside it was terrified of all the monsters that were present around him, almost fainting from shock. His name was Sect Master Xiao Feng, he was the main power of Xin Shijie.

"Hey you, you dare disrespect me!" Terul yelled.

"Your one to talk for telling Versa to teleport me here!" Gojo yelled across the table.

"Why are you blaming me you devil!" Versa complained.

"All you people are too immature!" Frank shouted.

Soon the mayhem continued into an all out duel, luckily, Yang and Yin were able to hide behind a pillar that protected them from attacks, one scratch would kill them 100 times over.


Soon, everything, replayed in lightning speed with everyone sitting in place leaving no traces of chaos. The only difference being... a little boy?

The boy looked like a defenseless little kid, but his aura completely overshadowed that. To be able to control that many powerful entities at once was an impressive task. He wore a tiny white suit and wore a one-lense oracle. He had neatly combed black hair and had a cute chubby face, looked like a toddler. His named was Chronos, the apostle of the God of Time. He was not a main power, but he was the one who was sent by the gods to watch over the universe, although he couldn't revive people from the dead, he could heal life threatening injuries. He could tell the future, but if he told too much, that future would completely collapse. Luckly, he was against the demons and was ready to help as much as possible.

"Now, I can't control you guys again because of the strain, but try not to fight again." the boy said.

All the powers nodded.

"Now, let us start our meeting, shall we..."

[I will be taking time to add more chapters to my second novel so this won't be updated in some time]