Chapter 27

If pain could pierce like a dagger, the result was always fatal. I know even if my parents didn't say it I know I was a shame to them given the fact that I had drugged our family name in the mud And top it all off Carlos and cartel had been tracking my every move For a month now any wrong move would result into catastrophic end for me my family I couldn't bear loosing another member of my family after lost my rock and best friend my sister Amanda that's why I had to run out on Riley leaving him the office again

They say sins of our past always follow us , destroying our chance to happy life I knew it for me its was too late for me to live the life I had always wanted ,but I would Protect my family I can't watch them die I rather be a sex slave all my life than watch my family die So am sorry mum and dad but going far our way never to return forgive for the pain am about to cause you but trust me this way the cartel will leave you alone and be safe

I know what you must be thinking Mum how could I keep such a thing from you but this is the creason cartel and have their hooks in everything the police any other law enforcement department and so for Amanda I know you have been looking for her putting posters all over town I hate to inform you that Amanda is no more she was also captured by the same sex trafficking cartel and she Was shot in the back and died as we tried to flee

And since then they have been tracking me down I did a mistake mother I fell in love with man I shouldn't have Riley we almost kissed yesterday only that Julie walked in us before we could Julie is Riley's current and she knows am the red diamond and since she found me in a compromising position with Riley she may expose me to the cartel I can't put any danger so bye mother

Am sorry if I hurt you mother but I have no choice cause I know that Riley loves me too and he won't be able to control himself I have to do what best for us and leave before l let my feelings put in you danger and by time you read this I will be long gone please don't look for me it's better this way.

Placing the letter down on the table holly grabbed her bags and ren out of thier family home once more never to return again cause she couldn't allow herself put her family in danger because of a four letter word she rather be miserable than hurt her family besides she was whore used by many who had invaded her core using it for thier pleasure which made her feel like rag she knew Riley deserved better than used hag like her

Finally at bus stop she starts recalling all the moments she had with Riley from time she removed his car tryres up to their second almost kiss were all moments she will miss as she boarded the bus to leave to go to a new country where nobody knew her past and she could start a new with nobody to judge her and may be fall in love again

And be happy though it would be a lie cause her happiness only exists in Riley's arms the only one she couldn't be with she wondered why she couldn't be with the man she loves life was bieng unfair to her but she knew he wouldn't even miss her cause he had options and lots of them she was sure when she is gone he would go on with his life and forget about her and their almost kiss moments and find a new obsession worthy of bieng with him and with that she left her home town in the bus heading towards the unknown in a hope of a new exciting life where should be herself and enjoy what life had to offer though she knew it would be hard to forget about Riley and thier almost love story she had to try