Chapter 09 Surprise


It had been three days and what a wonderful day with my love, I had forgotten how good it was to live a true love ruled by affection, and a lot of dedication on the part of my beloved husband, as he always surprises me every day and I love him more and more for this because he and everything I need to continue to live, that is the only hope that my heart has its love and trust in God because after that day that I prayed everything in my life has changed already decreases the medicines and I know that soon I will stop taking this drug because these medicines are really a drug.

The time has come to return home and I am very happy because even though I was tired I told my prince that we will go to the church to thank God for everything that we spent these days he said it would be great, and so we went we were talking excitedly inside the car that passed so fast I didn't even see the time we got home. And as soon as the car parked in the garage, I saw my beautiful nieces running towards me and shouting,

- Aunt kris, aunt kris ...

- Cry out Girls ...

- We missed you and Uncle Jack because grandma couldn't say where you went this weekend, my nieces are curious, but my beautiful husband answered them,

- My beautiful princesses, your aunt and I were on our honeymoon, and my niece Keila spoke because she was older

- Our uncle you were dating away from us ne and pouted, making a charm for the uncle, but then it was Alice's turn to speak because she was like her mother does not hold her tongue in her mouth

- KeY, the aunt, and uncle are young and have to date even as my mother says, then they get old, everything falls down and dull, I heard a 10-year-old girl say that feeling ashamed, but the key said:

- Therefor you you are making our aunt ashamed, but she didn't stop and say

- Aunt my mother has already said that dating is the best thing in the world, I heard it with my mouth open like my sister and crazy saying this to a girl of 10 years plus Nanda older of the three said:

- Over there, auntie doesn't get scared, because, you know whose she and daughter are

- Yes, I know her like her mother in everything, and then I heard my crazy sister's voice speak

- Wow I thought you were going to live there the wave you were on and the thing should be good over there

- little sister, your crazy doesn't start because we already heard too much for today,

- Eu, but I didn't even say anything too much

- The aunt doesn't even need her daughter, she already did the lady's turn, she said to Nanda, and we all laughed at the face she made,

- Don't worry, you made a perfect copy of yourself. Little sister. And we laugh again

- But let's get in and I need a shower and what you all do here at home,

- Well I couldn't leave my mother alone in this huge house ne kris,

- Hum... I know. And so I hugged her and we entered the house and there is the rest of the family, my mother Robert, my brothers-in-law and my sister Vê, and my nephew Jonas with his father, that was the perfect copy of the father even in the serious genre just like Marcus, also big because he was only 8 years old and was bigger than Ali who was 10 years old, And so our days ended, we got ready and we all went together to worship God because I can say that my house and I served you. We arrived at the service and we all sat together because that was how we did it when we went to church together we sat together on the first front seat.

The service is a blessing, the pastor sent a note to my beautiful husband who was nervous than I already knew he would bring the word that night, and so it was my beautiful nieces sang together because they formed a free trio,

- We salute the Mother Church in the Lord's peace tonight, we will praise you with a hymn in adoration of God and we want to dedicate this praise first to God and then to our beloved aunt Kris because she is a warrior and strong woman and our example. so they praised you, I couldn't stand it and I cried a lot with the praise because that was all I had been through, but I was standing in the presence of God.

After they were done, it was my husband's turn and he always said in public that he loved me and sang a hymn that I love, before speaking what God put in my heart I will praise you for the blessing he has given me and this is the song that I know my wife loves very much, So he sang the song and there comes more crying, and more crying more this time I looked and almost the whole church was crying because he had a beautiful voice that moves deep in our soul, as he always said God anointed his voice for praise, after singing he began to speak the word of God which is recorded in the book of 1 Samuel ch. 2 see. 18 to 24

"the ministry of Samuel," and God was present in the service during the making was something so wonderful I felt the presence of God in the service and seeing 10 people surrender at the feet of the master that night, it was a blessed service, already we were saying goodbye to the brothers to go home because it was already late and the next day and Monday, when she scolded a sister, marching towards us and at this time God used her with the authority of God to speak to us, she came and held in my hand and in the hand of Jack who was by my side and there was a promise from God


After hearing God use the sister I had never seen her in church, we went home thinking each one in his thoughts in silence, it didn't take long to get home, we said goodbye to my mother and Robert and went to our room, we entered and I turned to face my prince and broke the silence that had formed between us at the church and said

- Love I'm afraid!

- beautiful what are you afraid of?

- My handsome man knows everything, I am afraid of not being able to do the work of God as he wants, I am not prepared to be a pastor's wife,

- My love and you think that I am, to be a pastor, one more thing I know who empowers us and God if he spoke of the spoken and we are nothing, nothing. With that words, we showered together and dedicated ourselves to sleep.

One month later

It had been a month and I was working in the morning at school attending as a psychopedagogue, and in the afternoon I visited the stores and sometimes this month I traveled with Jack to see some stores, which they had in other states and talk to my manager of my store in New York because my mother was really retiring and Robert too, more promised to help me with this store, not to mention that tomorrow they will introduce our directors of York Primer Editora & Cia Magazine, and not to mention that it would be the inauguration of the building that Robert built in São Paulo to be the headquarters would be second here in Brazil because the primary headquarters would remain in New York, more serious commanded here as it was already because most of the models were Brazilian, so another one passed day, and we are going to travel to São Paulo in the morning because we did a lot of things to do Jack will take the opportunity to go to the company's office in São Paulo to sign some commitments and I will visit some of my stores the ones I have at the mall. In the morning we went to the magazine's jet because the whole family was going to this event my nieces Alice, Amanda, and Keila, are the newest models of the magazine because they have the beauty of French women who look like dolls, perfect, so we arrived at São Paulo and each one went in a car because we would all have different destinations today until the time of the event the night I said goodbye to my beautiful husband with a nice kiss, that we heard my crazy nieces speak,

- Our uncle you will only be hours without seeing each other and was there on the plane, you don't need all that, he said and he and I looked at each other and said together

- And love, love

- Nothing else Ali when you grow up will know the true meaning of this word,

- Ha no aunt I don't want to date I just want to enjoy life and be happy and serve God and nothing else,

- I know your mother says that look, she just married her first boyfriend, and she didn't date her country very much because they already knew each other very well at the time,

- I know aunt, you could have a very nice security guard like my father, we heard her say that and all opened their eyes wide and I heard my brother-in-law speak,

- Alica França Marques that this girl,

- Dad, I shield it a lot when we go out on the streets, women talk all the time and not to mention that my mother also speaks, and I looked at my sister who was red like a tomato because of her daughters, I said:

- Look this little girl and her daughter, you are suffering in the skin what I suffered when we were her age,

- Kris I was not like that I don't know who she boxed, my sister said, and we all laughed at her and my mother said:

- Imagine Ju she and her copy perfect my daughter in everything and even more than you and we laughed again because my sister did not know what to do with the daughter with the loose tongue. So we went to our site each day the day was very tiring full of making the day all a rush only the girls from the stores were very happy with my visits, thankfully the stores were all in the same mall it was huge the biggest in são Paulo, I got lost in it I had to ask the security guard where the exit was, he is already leaving to get in the car when a crowd of reports and photographers appeared I don't know where and they started asking questions,

- Kristina and it is true that you are here to receive the magazine board that your stepfather will pass on to you tonight, I turned around to answer,

- I can't answer these questions because I'm not the best person to take over the management. He certainly has someone more qualified than me,

- It is true that you took over the executive management of the stores "FRNÇAS FAIHS"

- This is true because I was always the owner of it but it was my mother and my older sister who cared, but my sister and her husband continued to help me as they always helped my mother, and that's it, and I heard more questions no I gave importance and got in the car that was already open for me to get in and went to my mother-in-law's house to get ready for the night party.

A few minutes before I received a message from Jack asking me to go to the hotel and I gave the address to the driver and so we went, I got there there was another multitude of reports and the driver said:

-Lady, I thought it best to call Mr. Espátula to help you enter the hotel because the vultures are outside,

- No Alfredo can let me know how to manage alone.

- OK then So I got out of the car when the vultures talk like Alfredo saw me all came towards me my husband was smarter and put security in the hotel they didn't come close I went towards my room, as soon as I got there Jack saw me came to me and kissed me and asked me

- My beautiful how was your day and how are you?

- Well mine was good and I'm fine, the vultures as Alfredo said didn't eat me, and he laughed and said:

- Only Alfredo to talk about reporters like that, I chose his driver well

- Yes, he chose, he took good care of me.