Chapter 10 Surprise (PART 2)

I was ready to go to the party and Jack is beautiful and he was looking at me with desire and I approached him and said in his ear,

- What was it, my love, didn't you like it?

- There is not my life and today I will have to take great care of the hawks because my wife is breathtaking for anyone who looks at her.

- There is no need to worry about that because I only have eyes for you, my beautiful love,

- I know not more and you the problem, but other men, and at this time I laughed at what he said and said,

- you happen to be jealous my beautiful,

-Ho no, my princess is not jealous and careful what is my only thing, but now let's go, if not here, the entourage comes after us, and we leave hand in hand and enter the limousine of the magazine that Robert brought to Brazil, and we were all inside it and we laughed a lot until we arrived at the event site because two crazy family members were there and there's no way I don't laugh at them because the mother and the crazy daughter got worse, I was already sick of laughing at them when the limo stopped I thanked God for that because I couldn't take it anymore, to stay there with them, I was waiting for the others to leave and I was Jack, my mother, and Robert last, Robert said:

- Kris my beautiful doesn't say anything to the reporters out there let me answer the questions I just answered with my head yes and so Jack and I left hand in hand and Robert and my mother left right away and the question was the same as who will take over the magazine, this answer nor did I know how to answer, but Robert didn't say it just made him more suspense of the scare and so we entered from under a lot of faces, in the event.

We greet many people known coworkers of the magazine good were all there that night waiting for the new directors of the magazine and so was the night with a lot of talks there came the long-awaited time my mother was the first she thanked everyone for supporting her when she became a member of the magazine next to her husband, and then it was Robert's turn he made a beautiful speech thanked I and my beautiful husband and each thanks appeared on the screen that was placed there, to show the images of the models that have been with Editora in these logos for years in the direction of Robert and it's time for him to announce,

- Tonight and as a great honor and pleasure that I announce my two successors and newest directors of York Primer Editora & Cia, Jack Espátula and Kristina de França Espátula, not to other successors to take my place in this great magazine that they, and I heard clapping and whistling everywhere and this time I kept crying, I and my beautiful prince went up to speak as directors now Jack

- Good night to everyone present at this great event, very important in our life. I want to thank my father-in-law for trusting and directing me and my beloved wife, thank you very much Robert, and everyone applauded him, it was my turn.

- good night everyone present at this wonderful event, good for me it was a surprise to receive the direction of this famous magazine but I want to say that I will do my best to be a little bit of what my beloved queen was and my beloved father was in this magazine well I want to tell everyone I am here to add and divide and not to decrease, and so we will enjoy the party because it continues, and have a great night, and I heard more applause and sober people everywhere and my husband came to where I was and kiss me a kiss full of love and desire, and spoke in my ear

-I want to leave soon because I can't stand to see you in this dress anymore,

-Calm down my teddy soon we will go and kiss again I heard my crazy sister scream

- Hem you two, let's go with this because there are a lot of people looking at you two hem tomorrow the news will be great "Jack and Kristina Espátula almost had sex on the opening stage of York Primer magazine," and I looked at her with a face and mouth open

- Look, don't look at me like that, because that's what's showing up here, and I looked at Jack who smiled and we left the stage, and so we stayed a few more hours until my beautiful husband spoke in my ear

- My beautiful Aphrodite let's go, I looked at him because he hadn't called me that in a long time, and we left her without anyone seeing us and the same car that stayed with me during the day was already outside and I saw Alfredo open the door. door for us to enter and exit the hotel. One year and six months later my life was in a rush because with the direction of the magazine and the school and the stores, we still found time to worship God in the middle of the week because I didn't want to be a Sunday believer, and I had the responsibility to take care of the nursery once a week.

the church was rewarding you work with the children good as we were working for a long time Jack and I decided to take a vacation and we would travel in Europe for 15 days and then in the North and South of Brazil because here there are also beautiful places to visit, already I had my bags packed because we would fly in the company jet in the afternoon, I was lying in bed when I saw my beautiful husband come with a tray in our room, and I said:

- Our love all this and for me?

- Yes my beautiful because on this vacation I will spoil my beautiful wife a lot

- more than I already am- More because you deserve it, much more than that,

My teddy bear, I already said that you are beautiful.