Black Mission [1]

Section Three

Ghoul Investigators Headquarters (GIH)

"On my signal," Liam said, jumping downwards.

The wind carrying his body weightlessly, Liam closed his eyes taking a deep breath as he fell 100 feet, his whole body vibrating in dark shadow.

He flashes open his eyes, gaining his stance, in position as he rotates on air, like a black shadow of speed he crashes into the agency.


He dashes in through the window landing perfectly.

The agents are alarmed at the sudden entry, their features frighten to the core.

Liam rises to his feet, the glass dusting off as he did. Liam beaming ghoul eyes land on them.

Panicking the agents brought out their guns firing at him, Ghost dash out of Liam attacking the agents in a bloody battle, the sounds loud and haunting.


"Switch" Liam was on the last floor, he rotated the asses card he held.