Black Mission [2]

Steve turns to Liam, he removes the cigar from his lips quenching the bottom on the table.

"You still haven't changed your habit," Liam said, looking at the cigar.

Steve forced a smile.

"You have grown Liam" Steve comments as he rises to his feet.

"So did you Ghost" he added, facing Ghost who raised an eyebrow at his comment.

Liam froze when he noticed something. 'There's no steel around his neck'. Liam thought in realization. 'What the fuck is going on?'

He needed answers, something was definitely off.

"Aren't you a prisoner here?" Liam asked, puzzled. Steve smiles again.

"Why are you here to rescue me?" amusement in his tone.

"Yes dad, I thought you were dead, I came for you the moment I heard you were in the agency" he said as his eyes shook.

Steve smirks.

"You shouldn't have come here Liam, you made a big mistake coming here".

Liam blinks puzzled.

"Why would you-".