Black Mission [3]

Above The Agency 

Riley was amidst the chaos, they were fighting and gaining the upper hand until from nowhere another set of agents attacked. 

Riley took harsh breaths hiding behind a wall, loud gunshots raging behind her.

"Riley we don't know what happened, the agency knows we are here" Riley's comm sounds. It was Rory 

"We have to think of something, Liam needs more time to get his dad out," Riley said but the comm went off due to poor connection.

"Shit" she curses, she looks behind the wall, the agents covered most of the areas heading in another direction.

She had to contact Liam, she was worried, she tries reaching him but the stupid comm won't work, their connection was jamming, she knew it had to be the work of the agents. She had no choice but to go beneath the agency, it was the only way.

She steps out but caught the attention of five agents, they halt pointing their guns at her.