Black Ghoul vs Ghoul Killer

Right before his eyes, Liam's dad walks away, his shouts and calls don't get to him. Steve walks without turning back. The sound of his shoes fading as he did.

Liam watched with trembling eyes unable to comprehend what just happened. His own dad left him, betrayed him, absolutely everything was down the drain, their plans, their hopes, Liam's chance of getting back with his dad, after years of thinking he was dead only to find out he was alive and worse working for the agency. That was too much, he would have just stayed dead.

Liam's head hung down in anger as his teeth clench, nothing will ever make up for what his dad did, nothing, it was clear as it could be.

Seth ticks his tongue.

"Such a pity isn't it?" Seth's humor is present in his tone like he was enjoying the scenario.

"Your own dad turning me into a weapon that can destroy you, exciting isn't it?" he adds, the halls echoing with his series of laughter.