Black Sorrow

"Liam," Riley said softly, the pain in her chest becoming unbearable, she felt gravity leave her body.

"NO!" Liam shouts, rushing to her side, quickly holding her in his arms.

"No please," Liam said as the tears formed at the corner of his eyes threatening to fall, drifting to her bleeding chest, realization struck him that the bone got to her chest.

"You told me you were fine," he said, the tears falling out of control.

Riley's hands tighten on his jacket as she struggles to push the pain aside.

"Please don't leave me…please…you promised we would do this together please, please I can't lose you too" Liam cried like he was losing it.

"I'm sorry Liam" Riley said as her hand slowly reached for his cheek, she placed her bloody hand on it.

"Riley," he cried.

"Everything will be okay," she said as a tear trailed from the corner of her eye.