Black Resolve

Iris walks along the hall lost in thought, after everything that has happened hope was a limit to them.

Sean walks towards her, but he doesn't stop.

"Sean" she called, he stopped turning to face her.

"I lost more of my family, Evan and Riley are dead, more innocent ghouls are dead just because of this so-called peace you wanna achieve," he said, turning to face her with bloodshot eyes from crying.

Tears fill Iris' eyes as she sobs.

"I can't take it anymore," he said, cleaning the tears that fell. 

"Which is why i'm leaving," he said.

"Am leaving this city for good, even though ghouls are haunted in every country, I don't care, and I will take my chances. It's better than staying in this city that is a reminder of a lot of painful memories" he said with clenched teeth, showing his anger as he walked away for good.

"Sean" Iris said but he didn't turn.
