Black Ghoul [1]

Third Floor

Lorna's body shock in pain, it was arching and it sore thoroughly due to the hard impact with to ground, she slowly opens her eyes groaning, her vision was hazy as she shocks her head to regain composure and it did help, she forced her body up dusting the glass pieces from her body.

She was close to the window and then suddenly the glass went off like a bomb all of a sudden. 'Something must have got in with a huge amount of force, but what?' she thought that couldn't have happened at random.

She leaned against the wall slightly weak, but she pushed it aside, she had to fulfill her promise to a desperate mother, she had to move, whatever caused that shake, she wasn't gonna stick around to find out, but that was about to change.

"All agents the black ghoul is in there" her comm sounds, she froze as her eyes widened.

"What?! " she said in shock.