Black Ghoul [2]

Third Floor 

Rory opens a door leading to a hall, he looks around for V-ghoul's or agents before stepping out, quietly walking further. He was on the fourth floor when he heard the loud crash a few minutes ago. 'I wonder what caused that sound'. Rory thought puzzled, he just hoped it wasn't some bomb by the agency because something like that was bound to happen again if the agency was involved. he just hoped it was something else that caused it. He heard static noises from his comm. 

"Iris! Iris is that you? Where are you?" Rory asked hastily hoping to get a word from his sister, he prayed she was okay.

The static cleared.

"Rory Lake, this is Kayla Gibbs from the Silver-lining". Rory froze when he heard the tiny voice.

He was confused.

"Your sister is at the next turn, she's seriously injured," Kayla said.

"What?" Rory said in shock. He panicked hoping it wasn't serious.