Black Voice

Wayne smirks as he notices Liam's eyes drifting to his hand, he knew he would take it because he could give Liam what he wants... Total destruction of the agency. 

"You are very unique Liam" Wayne surged further knowing he was reaching Liam in no time, he just had to keep the conversation going.

"You are different from other ghouls, you possess a greater power over ghouls. You, Liam, will rule the world" he was certain because he knows it, Liam and his Claw were unlike anything they have ever seen over the years, he was their piece to every puzzle waiting to be solved.

"We ghouls live by an ancient monarchy" he began knowing this would catch Liam's attention and he alone had the answer.

"Ancient monarchy?" Liam scoffs at the mere sound of it. 'An ancient monarchy for flesh-eating monsters, sick'. He thought grimacing.

"Yes, and you have every right to become the next ghoul king, join me and all that will be realized"

Liam scoffs out loud.