Black Stranger [2]

Outskirts Of The City

Silver-lining Manor 

"Kayla I want you to have every security footage you can find in Steel, I need eyes and ears everywhere" Sean said haste.

"Roger that" Kayla said as her fingers went fast against the keyboard.

"Are we really gonna infiltrate Steel?" Rory said, gulping hard.

"We have to," Iris said, biting her nails.

"Liam's in there" she adds with shaky eyes.

"We both know we can't pull that off, the only person capable of doing that was Liam himself" Rory said.

"We are practically gasping for straws," he adds.

"We have to try Rory" she snaps facing him with sad eyes.

"We don't know how long they will keep him alive, we don't know what Barbra Jones is plotting this time," she said.

"We can't just wait to find out because we both know it won't end well".

Rory gulps hard knowing she was right.

"It was all that agent's fault, she did this to him" Iris said sternly.