Black Challenge

"This is Liam's health reports before and after you visited him".

Riley took the papers, she froze seeing the reports.

"Riley, Liam health reports showed he was dying but after you came to him, all the red flags were gone".

"You healed him Riley" he adds with shaky eyes.

Riley compared the two papers, her eyes shaky, how was this possible?

"How's this possible?" she said puzzled, her gaze not leaving the papers.

"What Liam did... To the train... It was enough to kill him, he didn't just merge bodies with Ghost, it was more than that, you saw" he said with serious eyes.

She faced him.

"Riley that should be enough to kill him" he adds.

"But when you came, it was enough to stop the process, there's a lot of mystery between you two I don't get and I'm dying to find out, I have this certain feeling that all the answers we are looking for gotta be in that book".

"Book?" Riley said, puzzled.