Black Bully

Riley's head nods, her cheek sliding up and down her fists against it. She groaned slightly at the discomfort tensing her bones, her neck was killing her.

Liam watched in amusement, never taking his eyes off her, he noticed her discomfort as her mouth forms a thin line.

He frowned, her neck must be hurting from the constant nodding but still he didn't wanna wake her up and disturb her sleep, who knew whether she has had any for the past three days. 

Riley's fist suddenly slits from her cheek, her head dropping, Liam quickly uses his palm to brace her forehead from slamming on the table.

Riley groaned, her eyes flashing open, she raised her head, her red hair jolting backward.

"You should have woken me up," she pouts.

"Well you were sound asleep" he shrugs.

"And uncomfortable," she said with a yawn.

"When was the last time you slept?" he asked, worried noticing her fatigue.