Black Stroke

The door automatically shuts close behind.

Liam walked straight to his room, upstairs, it was the same format as the one downstairs, a glass wall showing the view of the forest but this time it was all around.

He drops Riley on the bed, she gasps.

He stood up straight with a cocky smile.

"So which first, bed or shower?" he asked in amusement.

Riley smirks, sitting up and then standing up on her feet in front of him.

"Shower," she said huskily.

"Then we better get down to it then".

"We?" she said, raising an eyebrow.

"I intend to shower on my own" she adds walking past him.

Liam scoffs at her, turning.

"Do you really think I will say yes to that?"

She turns.

"I don't expect you to," she said in a teasing manner, as she began striping, Slowly.