Black Alliance

"Why should I?" She shrugs. "You and your husband merely just defended yourself, when my son acted out on his own" she states, shaking her head and bringing the elegant wine glass she held just to her lips.

Riley scoffs at her words, she wasn't expecting that at all! Was she really a mother? Didn't she have any feeling of loss when she heard about her son's death?

Linda's lips pressed in a smirk sipping her wine. Maybe she doesn't feel anything. Riley could still remember how it felt when she lost Ryan.

"A woman who doesn't have the faintest affection for her son," she said with still looks. "That's hurtful and both disturbing"

"I wouldn't be the first," Linda states, dropping the glass on the table.

"Now... tell me why you are really here... not alone of course... you graced my party with your husband" she said in amusement.

Riley gulps hard, she must have sniffed them out way before she came here, she's good.