Black Beast [1]

"Tell me Sean" Iris began as their bodies moved to the slow beat.

"Do you really mean what you said?" She asked, blinking. She needed to know, her insides were screaming inwardly for answers, he just told her she was the first and most important thing to him.

A smile found Sean's lips, but then they disappeared faintly. "You know..." he began with a deep breath. "Ever since... ever since Paige, I thought I wasn't gonna find what I had with her"

Iris forced a smile.

"It hurt so much but I knew, I can't dwell on that"

She nods.

"And then there was you"

Her heart skipped a bit.

"Yes, you... but then you were into Liam"

"Even that time?" she giggled.

"Yes, I think"

She giggled once again, hearing her make these wonderful sounds made his heart flutter, she was beautiful when she made such sounds.

He stops moving, and so does Iris, and then their eyes are locked on one another.