Black Beast [2]

'LIAM LOOK OUT!' Ghost shouts in Liam's head as in a flash the Beast was behind Liam, the claws fused with gold substance slits Liam's back, he roared in pain but that didn't stop Liam as with one kick the Beast was sent flying across the wall, breaking them instantly, waving backward as the sound kept fading from the constant crashes it had to endure.

Liam went on one knee, the pain in his back was excruciating.

'The substance is the same as the bullet that hurt Silver and Riley' Ghost snarled, probably pissed.

He heard tongue ticks... it was coming from Seth.

"Pity," Seth said tilting his head to the side. "I wager the Beast's claw wouldn't pierce you... too bad" he mocked.

Liam growled pissed, rising to his feet.