Black Twins (Part 2)

"We are so sorry Lady O'Brien, we won't copy Eden's note again, or any at all" one said as they all went on their knees.

Riley sighs, knowing Ethan has really roughed them up.

"Serves you right," Ethan said smirking deviously.

Riley pulled on his ear more.

"Mom, please take it easy" Eden pleaded.

"All of you, off you go," Riley said with a nudge of her head.

"You have a lot of questions to answer in the principal's office," she said as they nod quickly dispersing in spite of their aching bodies.

Riley turns to Ethan letting go of his ear, he rubs the now red ear.

"You're grounded and you're gonna answer for this" Riley said without question.

"Then it's worth it because those guys picked on Eden," he said sternly.

"Ethan honey you can't use brutal force to solve a problem, next time you think before you act," she said sighing.