Black Twins (Part 3)

The car pulled up at a building, it was wide and white in color, looking like a hospital.

They twins got down as they walked towards the building with locked hands, Earl behind him.

Inside was white in color, several people on white lab coats walking to and fro in the hallway. 

"Get the equipment really, we still have a lot of things to do" Sean said, he was on white lab coat also, he talked with his assistants.

His eyes then lands on the twins, Eden carrying a bunch of flower.

He dismissed the rest as they nod, walking away.

"And what are you two mischievous twins doing here" Sean said in amusement stopping in front of them.

"Hi uncle Sean, looking handsome as always" Eden said with a smile against her lips.

"Thank you little flower that's why you're my favourite" he compliments.

Ethan just rolled his eyes.

"You heard didn't you" he said without a doubt.