Black Twins (Part 4)

"When was the last time mom came?" He asked knowing she was always the one who shaved it.

Sean sighs.

"Not since this month, you should know Ethan, it's hard for her seeing him like this, there's no improvement of in his body condition for years" Sean said sadly.

"Well it's hard for both of us too!" He hissed.

"She should at least still come to see him like we do" he said faintly but Sean heard him.

Sean walks towards him slowly as he placed a hand on his shoulder.

"For the past 13 years" Sean began.

"She has come here every night, everyday tending to him" he said in a heavy breath.

"I was the one who said she should take a month break, its not easy for her Ethan you have to understand that" Sean reasons.

Tears filled Ethan eyes.

"I hate seeing dad like this, it's so unfair" he said with clenched teeth, his teary eyes drifts to a sleeping Eden, clenching onto their dad's shirt as she slept soundly.