Black Roar

Let's go find Earl" Ethan suggested.

Eden nods as they walked away from the cliff.

"Well, well, well" a sinister voice came in.

"I didn't expect that".

The twins halt their steps instantly, as their eyes lands on the weird man before them.

"And who are you?" Ethan asked tilting his head to the side, not even a glimspe of fear against his features.

"I can't believe Fen was out bested by two kids... amazing, you're definitely an O'Brien" he adds in amusement.

The man was around his late 70s but still looked strong, his white hair hide beneath a dark red hat, he wore a matching suit and a red coat jacket also along with red shoes, his eyes covered with round frame black glasses, his hand holding a walking stick embodied with golden design.

"Yes Tres Hes Drea Yuh jes pe" he said in ghoul language. (The black Ghoul offsprings before me). he licks his lips.