Black Theory

"Hunter?" Fen said.

Ethan's ear switched at the sound, as his head snapped towards her, her body ran cold when his void golden eyes lands on her.

He slowly rise to his feet, the dust aura formed something behind him, a wave of large wings but it wasn't fully formed.

Then his void eyes lands on Eden's unconscious body still hanging in the air. He roared a chaotic sound like a sonic wave.

Before Fen could blink, he slammed her off Eden.

Eden's body dropped to the ground.

Fen gasp as her back hit the ground hard. Her ghoul eyes widen when she saw Ethan on top of her but it was too late.

She was devoured in less than a second, consuming her essence until there was nothing left.

"Truly amazing" Hunter said in astonishment.

Ethan's furious eyes lands on Hunter.

"Tell me boy" he began.

"How does it feel to be powerful" he adds with a smirk.