Black Option

Beeping monitor machine could be heard, in a room Eden was present on the bed, still unconscious, a drip connected to her hand, a mouth breath against her nose and mouth as she took feeble breath, her skin paled, black veins still present on her body.

Ethan was seated next to her holding her hand, watching with sad eyes.

Outside the room Sean and Riley watched through the transparent window that only them could see through from the outside.

Iris walks towards Riley from behind, she gave Sean a loving glance which he did too. She looks away.

"Any news on the fucking bastard who did this to my babies?" Riley asked faintly, she was still as the wind but they knew she could give out any moment, the killing intent made it harder to breath, luckily they were ghouls.

"Nothing, he's like a ghost" Iris said sad she couldn't find anything , she hated herself for that, she wanted to find the bastard more than anything.