I'm so stupid !

Hi everyone! Wawawiwi always there for you dear reader ⊙﹏⊙

Here is a new chapter for your pleasure! I hope so...

I don't know why I didn't upload it before, I felt like it wasn't good enough to upload.

At the moment I'm also thinking about my future life even though I haven't finished high school, it's stressful as hell !

Title: I'm so stupid! (Yeah IK)

This time our character Yuki is portrayed a little less stupid, I hope hahaha... In the previous chapter, I wanted to show the panic she felt due to the different factors present with her reincarnation but I think I overdid it on the stupid ~

If you have any ideas for the future of the book, please let me know! I'm all ears ~

Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ


Well, it's time to get started. I thought with visible determination.

So I walked slowly and surely towards the cupboard opposite the bed I woke up in this morning.

In fact, the clothes cupboard is just a small cupboard made of solid black wood that is rather elegant and has a nice finish. Moreover this piece of furniture seems especially adapted to my small size of child, besides it is embellished with several of the emblematic ornaments of the Uchiha clan.

Then on the top of the piece of furniture, there seems to be several frames laid face down with different pictures. My curiosity got the better of me, I slowly lifted the frame and....

*Energy* *Tornado* *Remembrance**Piou*


I screamed in muffled pain as my body collapsed pathetically onto the wooden floor.


I heard a familiar voice calling me several times.

"Are you okay Yuki-chan?" Itachi suddenly asked me in a worried tone because of my current unwelcome situation and the noise I caused by falling suddenly on the ground.

"Yes, yes don't worry." I replied with a frown as something incredibly interesting suddenly happened to me.

Perhaps sensing something wrong or his brotherly side getting the better of him, he decides to ask me again, "Are you sure?"

"Mm." I nodded before gradually getting up without much difficulty.

Seeing that everything was fine, Itachi left, asking me one last time to change hastily so that we could come to the dining room as quickly as possible. Probably for fear of a maternal consequence I thought as I saw his complicated look and I know why.

However, his expression strangely softened before becoming benevolent and I think I know the reason.

Anyway, I think I understand part of God's favor in reincarnating me here.

At the moment I am more than happy as a trail of memories have instantly come back to me as if by magic. It seems that God has done his job well as I have recovered all the memories of this body, Yuki-chan's body.

Despite having a female body, God made Yuki-chan have a personality similar to mine in order to make my life easier. And to simplify my integration into the village and the most important my family, especially not to arouse any suspicion in anyone. In any case, God has guaranteed that it is done, so normally everything should go well, right? I thought positively about my situation.

Indeed, Yuki-chan had a personality of her own, she was nothing like the other children of the hidden leaf village. A personality that actually belongs to me.

The reason why my memories suddenly came back is because of the family photo frames that I revealed out of curiosity some time before. This action was considered like an electric lever that one activates to start a machine, it allowed me to recover my memory more or less as well as to receive a rather interesting message from God in which he explained a lot of things to me.

In the end, this clarification was just a bunch of useless but useful information, and it made me feel better about my current situation.

My opinion of you God has changed slightly. I thought, hoping he would hear it from up there.

As for Yuki-chan's memories, they are very interesting for the future.

By the way... I'm Itachi's younger sister and I'm also Sasuke's twin sister...

*sigh* *double sigh*

I'm stupid, I'm stupid, I'm so stupid! I wanted to bang my head against the wall for being so stupid in the face of such an obvious fact.

A truth literally placed before my eyes all this time and yet...

Although my stupidity has not yet reached Mars, I am sure it has already reached the moon. I think this stress, this fear of dying has traumatized me again...

Despite the crazy behavior I had when I woke up, apparently in this family it's normal to see Yuki doing such stupid things when he wakes up. So good old Itachi-san won't have any suspicions about me hehehe... I thought while a smile gradually formed on my face.

Despite this temporary shame, I wanted to jump for joy as this new information meant that I would probably not be killed during the clan massacre. If the story goes on following the main plot I thought ironically since my presence will inevitably have an impact.

In conclusion: I won't be killed by Itachi but I might get caught by that old snake. I still have a few years to improve my skills...

In any case, being their sister is one less problem. I thought with a little smile.

Anyway, now that I've got my life back under control, I should change my clothes. I thought then that a slight redness was starting to set in on my face.

The reason I am embarrassed at the moment is quite simple... I need to change my clothes, except I am unequivocally a boy mentally who is stuck in a girl's body, it's embarrassing to say. I know that at the very least I should embrace my feminine side, I can't talk and walk like a trucker with this body after all. I just need some time to get used to it.

Of course, these are childish thoughts that partly circumvent my reason and moral sense.

*Slap* I slapped my cheeks in order to get my messy mind back in order and to give some energy.

Anyway, I should get used to it, so I opened the wardrobe with a quick and efficient movement.

Then I slowly reached out and took the clothes inside without forgetting to scrutinize every detail of those.

"Hummmm" I have to say... this is super cute. I thought awkwardly knowing that this is what I would have to wear in a short while.

Yuki-chan's outfit is just a black mid-length dress with silver lines on the sleeves. It's a classic outfit made for children, the big cat embroidered on the back only accentuates the simplicity of the garment. A child's garment.

Now for the most embarrassing part, I took off my pyjamas in one swift move without hesitation, and thank god! I was already wearing panties!

We can wait a little longer before changing them I thought without an ounce of shame or remorse.

They also have an embroidery of a cat's head on the front, has a cat fetish just been born?

Good thing I was already wearing my panties on I thought with a huge victorious sigh.

Furthermore, this underwear is comfortable to wear, it doesn't bother my lower body, which is quite logical after think about. This underwear feels like I'm not wearing anything, which is a strange feeling considering I used to wear boxers all the time which carries certain things...

Right now, I just don't want to think about the bra. I thought with a slight grimace of dissatisfaction, hoping to stay flat for the rest of my life.

Oh... I forgot that I also had primary needs like going to the bathroom I thought as I prayed that moment wouldn't come anytime soon.

As soon as I put the dress on, I felt more comfortable in my movements.

Obviously, I'm not wearing this for fun and anyway it's temporary. I thought as I quickly imagined an ideal model in my heart of hearts.

At least it will never be worse than Sakura's outfit I thought with a mocking, happy smile.

Now that I've put on a more appropriate outfit, I want to see myself in a mirror. Obviously, I want to know what I look like on the outside. Who wouldn't?

Actively searching the room, I unfortunately found nothing.

However, I stayed positive and decided it wasn't that important. I'll get my answer some time hahaha... I'm sure I'm cute! Without being narcissistic, of course.

I sigh one last time, close the wardrobe and then walk with a light step towards the door where Itachi-san is currently waiting for me.

"So are you done?" He asks me still with that same nonchalant tone he usually has.

You should really enter some regards contests I thought as I looked at him with a curious eye.

"Yeah, I'm done." I finally answered.

"Mm. Let's go eat then, Okaasan has been waiting for a while. I'll find an excuse not to worry you."

"Thank you Itachi-nii" I thanked her using a suffix I never used before, despite that my heart warms strangely at its use.

What is this feeling?

"No worries. Let's go or the food will be cold and Okaasan will be angry ." He says before patting my head lightly.

I snorted while turning my head in another direction.

I would have liked to ask her not to treat me like a child, however my body and my behaviour which is becoming strangely childish say otherwise.

At last, does this childish, girlish body really affect my state of mind? And with this last question, I left for the dining room.