Chapter 6

After a strange and silent fifteen-minute ride they pull into a parking lot. In front of them is a giant building full of windows and above the door, it reads "Mystic Falls High School" the building is made of concrete and has a red trim that goes around the building.

Not far is a football stadium that read "HOME OF THE TIMBERWOLVES"

As they exit the car Bonnie turns to Ivan with a knowing look and ask, "Hey I'm headed to the office would you like me to show you the way?"

Ivan turns to her with a face of appreciation "that would be great I wouldn't wanna be lost on the first day."

"Of course it just so happens I'm heading that way it wouldn't be a problem. Anyways, Elena, I'm sure you have stuff to do so I'll see you when I get to class."

Elena looks at Bonnie in surprise but quickly realized she wanted to be with Ivan and tells her, "it just so happens I do I need to go find Jeremy and make sure he doesn't do anything dumb on the first day."

Little does she know Bonnie only wants her gone because of the vision she's scared of what might happen.

As they make their way to the office Bonnie sees her friend Caroline and stops and talks to her.

But when Ivan sees her he only has one thought. Who is this girl? She reminds me of Ella. The only differences are in the way she carries herself. It's a lot more confident if I didn't know better I could mistake the two.'

While Ivan was in a deep thought Caroline asked Bonnie, "oh my gosh who's the hottie standing behind you? Are you two a thing why didn't you tell me I'm only like your best friend."

Bonnie looks at her with surprise at how wrong she was. " Calm down Caroline, and no we're not. I met him on my way to school with Elena and it is his first day I'm just showing him to the office."

"In that case do you think he's single he's definitely my type?"

Bonnie looks at her with annoyance and says harshly "Caroline every one who is cute is your type and if you're interested why don't you ask him?" Says Bonnie completely forgetting her vision because of all her friend's questions.

After hearing Bonnie's snide remark Caroline ignores her and walks to Ivan with a bright beautiful smile and says. "Hi, my name is Caroline if you want I can show you around instead of you having to follow her."

Ivan looks at her beautiful blue eyes and is mesmerized by them he didn't even hear Caroline talking to him.

As if embarrassed Caroline shyly asks "is something wrong, oh my god don't tell me I have something on my face"

Coming back to his senses he hears the last bit of her sentence and hurriedly says. "I'm sorry I just zoned out for a moment. And no, there's nothing on your delightful face. You don't have to worry, but I'm in kind of a hurry. I need to go find the office before classes start."

Hearing his sentence Caroline turns around with a blush on her face "well if you want I can show you the way, I'm sure Bonnie has stuff she needs to finish up." Turning to Bonnie she asks "is that alright with you Bonnie"

Looking at how much her friend wants to talk with him she hesitates but then Caroline gives her the puppy dog eyes and finally Bonnie sighs and says "well actually I do I was just being nice, but if you want to do it it's fine well have fun you two."

She then turns and walks off down the hall.

As they made their way to the office they made small talk Caroline looked at Ivan with interest. "so where are you from"

"Oh, I moved here from a small place you wouldn't have heard about it what about you."

"Me, well nothing special I was born here in mystic falls. So why did you move here, was it because of your parents?"

"No, not exactly, my parents passed away a few years back. Now it's just me and myself, so is there anything to do in this town?"

"Well, it just so happens there's a party out in the woods in two days would you like to go with me?" Caroline asked with a giant smile as if everything was going perfectly.

After walking in talking for around five minutes they finally make it to the office, Caroline tells him she'll see him later and makes her way to class.

As Ivan walked into the office he sees a guy almost six feet tall, as he entered he heard "please look again. I'm sure everything you need is there." and as soon as he stops the office attending responded as if in a trance "well your right so it is"

As the man turns around Ivan recognizes he's Stefan Salvatore. As Stefan turns to leave he spots Ivan and is filled with fear, 'why are my instincts telling me to run I haven't felt this in almost a hundred years'

He then stares at Ivan with a curious look, but in the end turns and leaves without a word.

But for Ivan he was doing his best to hold in his laughter. Why'd he look so scared I haven't done anything, is my presence so scary?'

He then walks to the attendant and looks at her eyes and says "My name is Ivan Mikealson, I'm new here I'm sure everything you need is in order. You will put me in a class with the girl named Elena and make sure Caroline is transferred into it."

The lady looks down and replies "sure I can do it please wait a moment."