Chapter 7

As Ivan made his way to his history class, he wondered, 'should I get a car? It's not very convenient to run everywhere. I'm sure someone will notice eventually."

As soon as he entered the classroom, all the eyes darted toward him. The girls looked at him as if they were wolves eyeing a juicy steak. But all the males looked at him with anger; just how many times have they tried to get a girl only to be rejected as if they didn't exist.

As Ivan took a seat in the back of the classroom, Stefan entered and looked around until he spotted Elena sitting in the middle of the room; he tried to find a seat, but the only available desk was in the back next to Ivan. So he summoned the little confidence he amassed and made his way to the rear.

As Ivan was waiting for class to start, he spotted Caroline. As he glanced at her, she turned around and smiled "hey Ivan; I was wondering do you have a cell phone?"

"No, I don't but dang, if I could get your number, I would make sure to get one right after school."

After his short talk with Caroline, Ivan left the school. He was bored as he knew everything they were teaching. As he walked down the street, he remembered what Caroline said and thought, 'maybe I should get a phone that way; I can talk to her whenever I want.'

After having that thought, Ivan looked around for a store. Around twenty later, he found an AT&T store. As Ivan walked in and looked around, he was miserable. As someone who lived in 2021, he was used to the iPhone 12, but currently he couldn't find anything he wanted as a phone.

Finally, after half an hour, he spots an iPhone3 and thinks, 'at least it's a touch screen, man I refuse to use a flip phone.'

After Ivan got his phone, he decided why would he stay in the dark, damp cave when he could find somewhere to stay. Then he remembered the Salvatore house was a boarding school. They must have extra rooms.

As he was making his way there, he decided he would also need to get a car. He found a dealership not far from where he was perks of being in a small town.

As he looked at the cars, he spotted one that stood out among them all. He didn't know why it was in a small town like mystic falls, but he was sure he'd get it. The vehicle was a Koenigsegg ccx 2009,

It was all black with a red trim around the outside, and the inside was black and grey. He walked up to the sales clerk and used his usual way to purchase his new vehicle.

As Ivan finished at the dealership, he was now driving to the outskirts of mystic falls, heading to the Salvatore boarding school. As he was driving, he noticed the smell of blood, but it went to the back of his mind. When he finally arrived, he saw tall oak trees surrounding the house, and they blocked most of the light. It was the perfect place for him; as he neared the front door, he heard two people talking about the couple that went missing. The one he noticed talking was Stefan. He said, "Zach, it wasn't me; you know I don't drink human blood. Besides, they said it was an animal.

The one that must be Zach responded, "I know the drill; if you tear the body up enough, they'll always think an animal attacked!"

As Ivan was tired of listening to them, he neared the door and knocked. Soon after, Zach opened the door "hello, what can I do for you."

"Well, I'm new to town, and I heard this used to be a school. I was wondering if I could stay here until I find my own place to stay?"

Zach looked down to see if he was wearing a daylight ring-like Stefan so he can walk in the sun but didn't see one, so he replied, "Of course, you can stay here until you find your own residence, but it's not the best."

Ivan noticed Zach look at his hand for a ring and smiled on the inside, 'well-gotta love being a hybrid, I don't have to wear those darn rings.' but responded, " I'm sure its better than a motel, well can you show me to where I'll be staying."

"Of course, come in and follow me."

As they walked in, Ivan could see the house's furniture had never been changed; they were old and glorious. Straight ahead of him was a giant living room and on his left were stairs.

Zach watched Ivan as he entered and noticed his reaction to the furniture, "as you can see, I tried to keep some of the furnishings as they are amazing. Anyways, your room will be upstairs and the fourth one down the hall. Also, I stay here with my nephew, but he's not in right now. I'm not sure when he'll be back."

Later that night, as Ivans in the living room drinking a bottle of Brandy, Stefan walks in and says, "what the hell are you doing in my house drinking from my collection."

"Well, I'll be staying here for a while; your uncle said it was fine. Also, I saw this bottle and couldn't control myself."

Stefan looked at Ivan confused but then fear as he looked into his eyes. He felt like he was looking at the grim reaper.

Then he told him, "you know what, you can drink anything you want. I'll see you tomorrow." as Stefan finished talking, he walked away when he went around the corner he used his vamp speed and ran like his life depended on it.

The next day you could see a car pull into the school parking lot; everyone had one thought in mind: who could afford that car? It's worth at least a million dollars.

As Ivan stepped out of the car, everyone was surprised they didn't assume that the new kid was wealthy.

As he walked down the hall, he noticed Caroline "well, hello there, I was wondering if I could have your number?"

"Oh, I thought you didn't have a phone."

"Well, I went and got one so that I could talk to you."