Chapter 8

As soon as Caroline heard that, she smiled and replied, "really, you got one so that you could talk to me?"

"Of course I did, and I was thinking would you still like to go to that party tonight with me?"

As soon as she heard this, she jumped and hugged him "of course I would. You can pick me up tonight from my house. I'll text you the address later."

"Ok, I can't wait for tonight, well let's head to class before we're late."

After talking with Caroline, Ivan went to class and endured what he thought was the worst thing ever. He listened to the lesson while watching Stefan stare at Elena.

Without even noticing the time passing, the school day was over. Ivan was driving to the Salvatore house while wondering what he should wear. When he arrived and walked in, he noticed Zach carrying a vase with vervain inside, so he decided to ask him. "Hey Zach, what are you doing? I've never seen such a plant before."

Zach panicked when he heard a voice, but when he noticed it was just Ivan, he calmed down and responded, "Oh, nothing much; I was checking how the plants were growing. Certain families in town like them, so they asked me if I could grow them."

"That makes sense. I can see why they like them. They look fantastic. Well, I just wanted to tell you I'll be out late tonight."

"Oh, do you have plans?"

"I'm going to a party with Caroline Forbes."

"Ok, then I'll make sure to leave the front door unlocked for you."

After talking with Zach, Ivan took a nap. When he woke up, he got dressed. He decided to put on a pair of dark pants with a leather jacket; as he finished getting dressed, he received a text from Caroline with her address. And texted back, "ok, I'm on my way. I'll be there in 30 minutes."

As Ivan pulled in front of Caroline's house, he spotted her mom. He gets out of the car and walks up to her, and introduces himself. "Hi, my name Ivan, is Caroline here? She told me to pick her up."

"Hi, my name is Elizabeth Forbes, but everyone calls me "Liz." If you can wait one second, I'll go get her."

As Liz walks into the house, she goes into Caroline's room. "Honey, there's a boy downstairs named Ivan; he said he's here to pick you up."

Caroline turned around excited. "Oh my gosh, he's here mom. How's my dress? Do you like it?"

"Of course I like it. I bought the dress after all. And you shouldn't keep Ivan waiting."

As Caroline leaves the house Ivans speechless at how amazing she looks but promptly recovers himself and says. "Wow, you look even better than you normally do, and I like your dress."

"You too handsome I don't think I've seen you in anything but t-shirts."

"Well, since I'm going out with someone like you, I decided to change how I dress for tonight."

"Well let's get going. As Caroline looks behind him, she can't help but gasp, "Is this your car? I heard it was a million dollars. How did you get it?"

"Well, my parents left me a little bit of money before they passed away."

"You're kidding me right? You call millions of dollars; a little are you crazy."

"I know. I just wanted to see your reaction. Honestly, I don't use it for much, but when I do I go over the top sometimes. Anyways let's get going. You don't wanna be the last one there, right."

"Dang it, I forgot the time. Yeah let's get going."

An hour later, as Ivan pulls up at the party, he sees many people he recognized from school. As he's walking with Caroline, she somehow found Elena with Stefan. "Hey Elena, I didn't know you and the new guy are together."

"We are just friends; what about you and Ivan? The both of you look close."

Ivan finally decided to talk "we were hanging out. She asked if I wanted to come, and since I didn't know anyone, it seemed like a great idea, and here I am."

As they were talking, Elena spotted her little brother. "I'm sorry, guys but I gotta go talk to Jeremy real quick."

After a couple of minutes, the both of them run back, holding Matt's sister shouting. "Help someone help call an ambulance."

As everyone else was distracted, Ivan noticed Stefan sneaking away from the party, so he went next to Caroline and whispered into her ear. "I'm going to head home with Stefan, and you can take my car so you can get home. Be careful in it. I just bought it."

Caroline asked, "What happened to Stefan? Wasn't he just here?"

"I'm not sure I think that he's just freaked out, but I still want to make sure he's ok."

"Well, ok then. But when do you want me to return your car?"

"Just bring it to school, and I'll get it from you tomorrow."

"If you say so, I trust you. I'll see you tomorrow bye."

After Ivan and Caroline said bye, he used his vamp speed and ran to the Salvatore house. He passed a movie theater and picked up some popcorn to watch the sibling drama.

As Ivan approached the house, he could hear Stefan and Damon arguing. He jumped onto the roof to get a better view and soon spotted Stefan throwing Damon out the window.

As Stefan fell to the ground holding Damon when they hit the ground, Damon recovered first and watched his brother struggle to get back to his feet. And then comments, "I was impressed. I give it a six, missing style, but I was pleasantly surprised very good with the whole face." Damon then goes on to imitate a snarling animal. "That was good."

Stefan then stands up and says, "it's all fun in-games Damon, huh? But wherever you go, people die. I won't allow it not here."

"That sounds like an invitation. I think I'll have a little fun."

As soon as Damon's voice faded, a new one appeared. "If you dare cause problems in mystic falls, I'll kill your brother for your insolence."

As the Salvatore brothers looked up, they spotted Ivan. He was eating from a bucket of popcorn. Stefan then yelled, "shut up, Ivan you can't fight him. He's a vampire!"

Damon then said with a smile, "Wow Stefan, would you look at that? I didn't even have to go find a snack."

Damon then vamp sped to bite Ivan, but when he reached him, he was thrown down to the ground like a can of Pepsi. Ivan looked at him and laughed "is this all you got? You were making fun of your brother like your big shit."

Stefan looked at him, confused because he had a vampire's strength but wasn't wearing a daylight ring. And decided to ask, "Ivan, what are you?"

Ivan looked at Stefan with a smirk "me; I'm another vampire. The reason you can't see my ring is I don't have one. I wear a watch with the same purpose."

Ivan was now happy he saw a gold watch in the window of a store and decided to buy it.

"What do you mean I thought you could only use a ring for the spell?" Stefan asked, intrigued.

"Well, when you've been around for more than 400 years, you find ways to get what you want." As Ivan finished speaking, he ran to Stefan and punched a hole in his chest, grabbing his heart. Then looked at Damon "remember what I said if you try to start problems, your brother will die."

He then took his arm out of Stefan's chest and walked into the house to take a shower. Leaving both the brothers confused and scared.

Author here for those who don't know I changed how he looks. He now looks like Luke Evans from Dracula untold. I also updated chapter 2 for those who haven't read it yet.