Chapter 9

As Ivan was in the shower, he remembered that Damon goes after Caroline. He considered if he should turn her into a hybrid, it wouldn't be too hard. He would have to bite her. And knowing her personality He was sure that she wouldn't mind if he turned her into a werewolf.

As Ivan was deep in thought, the Salvatore brothers were coming up with a plan.

Damon stared at Stefan, pissed off and yelled, "What the hell was that? Why didn't you tell me there was another vampire in mystic falls, and why did Zach let him in the house."

"Come down, Damon, we didn't know until now we always thought a vampire needed a ring, and we still need to find a way to kill him."

"Well, what's your brilliant plan, brother."

"Since he's older than us, we need to weaken him. Maybe we can use vervain."

That's a great idea, except I made sure it didn't grow here years ago, so that won't work. Damon responded, getting mad because it was his idea to get rid of vervain, and now he needed it.

Later that night, Caroline was walking out of the mystic grill. Which is the most popular hang-out spot; it's a nice restaurant with light brown polished decorations.

She was walking to her car when she heard a sound behind her as she spun around to see what it was. Nothing was there; as she turned back around, she saw Damon. He's wearing a white t-shirt with a black leather jacket and dark black jeans.

He looks into her eyes and says, "you look amazing blondie, wanna go back to your place?"

After Damon finished speaking he noticed someone behind him. While Damon was talking with Caroline, Ivan appeared behind him.

Ivan looked at him as if he was a dead man. "You're mad at me so you go after my girlfriend. How about I kill you now I wouldn't mind.

As soon as he finished speaking he sent a right hook at Damon who avoided it but couldn't slip away from the roundhouse kick aimed at his head when the kick made contact Damon flew into a wall. As Ivan started walking to him, he got up and ran away.

Ivan then walked up to Caroline and compelled her, saying you will forget everything that happened here tonight, except me calling you my girlfriend.

The next day as Ivan arrived at school he found Caroline in the classroom seemingly lost in thought. He then walked up to her desk and asked "What made you in such a happy mood today?"

"Nothing much I just can't stop thinking about last night at what you said." She responded with a visible blush.

"What did I say last night." Ivan asked, playing it off.

"You know what, never mind forget I said anything."

As Ivan was walking to his desk he was filled with rage how dare Damon try going after his woman.

As Ivan took his seat, all he was thinking was. "What is the best way for me to torture him? Maybe I should break all his limbs then make him watch as I pull his guts out."

Ivan then left school searching for his target, but as he was walking, he started to feel sluggish. Which is a sign that he needs to feed, then he remembered he has a stash of blood at home.

(Flashback to the day Ivan woke up.)

After Ivan bought his clothes, he decided he needed a better way to get blood other than drinking straight from people because it was too obvious. So he went to the hospital and found the person in charge of the blood bank. His name was Jacob; he compelled him to bring 20 bags of blood a month. He didn't take more because they would start to notice that the blood was missing if he did.

(back to the present)

As Ivan made his way home, his only thought was, "I wonder what Damon and Stefan will do after my warning."

As Ivan was on his way home, Damon started to carry out his plan. "Hey Stefan, come here. I found what we need for or plan!"

"Whatever, Damon, what's your ingenious plan this time?"

"It's the same as last time. We use vervain to weaken him, then kill him." Damon says with a broad smile on his face.

Stefan sighs and looks at his brother as if he's dumb. "That's a great idea, but I think you missed something."

With a smirk on his face, Damon says, "oh, and what would that be?"

The most important part of the plan, vervain you idiot."

"Oh yeah, about that look at this, I managed to find a little bit left in my room," Damon says with a bit of anger.

"Well, I knew I couldn't beat you without drinking blood, so I was going to try to convince you to stop killing by weakening you and talking to you. Because I believe there's still some good in you."

"Oh really, well if you tell me where you got the vervain ill give you my word ill stop killing." Damon says with a smile.

Stefan, hearing this can't decide if he should tell him or keep it a secret but, in the end believed his brother. "Well, I got it from Zach, but remember Damon, you gave me your word you'd stop killing," Stefan says the last part of his sentence sternly.

Damon smiles, "well, I did give you my word. But I never said when I would stop killing."

As he heard this, Stefan could guess what he would do and tried to stop him. But he was no match, and Damon snapped his neck before he could do anything.

Looking down at his brother Damon smiles, "thanks for exposing the traitor. I'll take care of it."

Damon then vamp speeds to the living room where Zach was and yelled. "Did you fucking think I wouldn't find out?"

Zach, surprised by the sudden appearance of Damon, responded, "what do you mean what have I done to make you mad?"

"You were growing vervain. Why do you feel the need to have any?

"Zach yells at Damon, finally reaching his breaking point. "You, you are the reason I have it, every time you come to town, you threaten to kill me. That's the reason I didn't get married or make a family of my own! Because I knew that you would kill them to punish me, so yes, I have vervain, and the only reason I have it is to stop you."

Damon, hearing Zach laughed, "Is that what you truly think of me? If so, let me show you the real me." Damon then runs to Zach and snaps his neck, throwing the body against the wall.