Chapter 10 unedited

As Zach's body hit the ground, the front door opened, and Ivan walked in smiling. "Well, I was wondering when you would kill him, but hey, if you didn't, I sure was going to ."

Damon, hearing Ivan, freaked out on the inside. He finally remembered that in his rage, he forgot about dealing with Ivan. "Really, and why would you kill him? What has he ever done to you?"

"Well, first off he was growing vervain, and I don't wanna have to deal with it. But the main reason would have to be because I can." Ivan responded in a sadistic tone.

Damon glares at him in rage and then responds. "Do you think that you can do anything that you want just because you're older than me? If so, I promise you I'll make you live the rest of your miserable life in agony!!! Damon screams while thinking in his head, 'wishing for blood after I desiccate you.'

Ivan chuckled and walked away, saying, "if you think you have what it takes to take me down, come boy and I'll show you that no matter what you do, it will never be enough."

As Ivan made it to his room, Stefan finally woke up and ran downstairs. And sees Damon drinking bourbon next to Zach's body.

Stefan runs up to him, grabbing him by the neck, and throws him across the room. "What the hell's wrong with you? Zach was our family; why'd you kill him?"

"Stefan because from what I just learned, he was growing the vervain to stop me. And you know how I feel about threats. I must eliminate them before they can cause problems."

"But still Damon, that isn't a reason to kill him. we could have taken to him and convinced him that you weren't a threat."

"It wouldn't have mattered anyway; Zach would have died even if I wasn't the one to kill him. I just saved him from the pain."

Stefan, no longer boiling in rage, looked at him in confusion, "what do you mean by he would have died anyway?"

As Ivan walked downstairs to leave, he decided to help the duo. "Well, Stefan, what he means is, if he didn't kill him, I would have. After all, it's not nice for the vampires if someone was growing vervain." Ivan said with disdain on his face.

After speaking, Ivan walked outside and sat in his car thinking, 'well, magic has a reduced effect on me, I wonder. If it's used on me, can I train it and make it more like a resistance? Well, there's only one way to find out. I have to have a witch use magic on me, but the only ones I know are Bonnie and her grandmother.'

The next day

As everyone was at school, Ivan decided to visit Sheila Bennett's house. To see if his theory is correct.

Ivan walks up the steps and knocks on the door "hello, is anyone home?"

Sheila was sitting in her living room drinking coffee when she heard someone knock on her door.

As she opens the door, she asks, "Hello, can I help you with something?"

"Yes, I'm sure you can. may I come inside?"

"I'm sorry, I don't have the habit of letting vampires inside my house."

"Well, if you let me come inside, I can promise you that I won't kill you or your granddaughter. You have my word."

"Come on, quit beating around the bush and tell me the reason that brought you here."

"Could you help me with something involving magic? I would have asked Bonnie, but we both know that at the moment, she's not what we'd consider a powerful witch."

"And what would you need me to do? I'll let you know right now I refuse to do anything that will put my life in jeopardy. Sheila said sternly.

Ivan smiles at her. "It's nothing dangerous. All I would like for you to do is use your magic to cause me pain and pressure me. See, it shouldn't be risky at all."

"And why would you want me to do this? Wouldn't it cause you unimaginable pain? You wouldn't even gain anything from this. Are you crazy?"

"Well, the reason is for me to know. It would help if you minded your own business." Ivan mumbles aggressively.

"I will help you but first, to make sure you don't go back on your promise, I'll put a spell on you. The way the spell will work is if you kill Bonnie or me, it'll destroy your soul, so be sure that you don't break the deal. Do you agree to my terms ?"

Ivan looks at Sheila with hesitation, but inwardly he was happy because spells that target his soul will never work. "Of course, I'm sure so let's get started."


Sorry for the wait I've been really busy. I'm off tomorrow so I'm going to write more if nothing happens I hope you like the chapter. If you do please drop some stones. And leave a comment i would appreciate it because then I know people are reading it if not I might end up dropping it.