Yes, Governor!

The noisy noise came from the car window from time to time, but Alan Wilson had already acquired the ability to deaf ears, isolating himself from the curry-smelling English from the outside world, his young face seemed to have been ironed by an iron, and his eyes had the slightest gaze. Without diversion from the newspaper in hand, the headline on the front page stated with a striking headline, "The British Empire has the confidence to regain the entire Burma within a few months."

"Hey!" He sighed insignificantly. The voice was so small that the client himself could not even hear it. Alan Wilson put the newspaper away and looked out the window plainly. There was no strong accent of English cries in his ears.

Now the bus has passed through the Delhi Gate and entered New Delhi, which later became the capital of India. It is now 1945. The biggest difference between New Delhi and Delhi is that New Delhi is entirely British. Because Kolkata is too remote, the British Indian capital was moved to the newly built urban area of ​​Delhi. New Delhi was only occupied by British people for a long time.

In 1945, this was the biggest problem Alan Wilson faced. The British Empire, which has been rampant around the world for 300 years, has been declining. Although it still has a colony of 30 million square kilometers, 5 million troops are fighting on battlefields all over the world. , But the end of this world war was the beginning of the decline of the British Empire.

Compared with the two armies of the United States and the Soviet Union with more than 10 million troops, a country that dominates the land and the sea, it seems that the post-war world has no longer the position of the former overlord of the British Empire. This makes Alan Wilson, a man who is ready to copy countless classic protagonists. Civil servants feel at a loss.

With the blessings of past life memories, Alan Wilson certainly understood that the clarion call for the disintegration of the British Empire lies in the land under his feet. The most important colony of the British Empire in the world, the British India, which has an area of ​​more than 4 million square kilometers, was the first to sound. .

And this cannot be stopped at all. Not to mention that Alan Wilson is just an unskilled civil servant. Even if he is now the Governor of India, he cannot ignore the independent voice that has become the consensus of British India. All he can think of is early. One day or one day late, what benefits can be gained from it.

After getting off the bus and inspected by the guards, Alan Wilson stood in front of the Indian Governor's Mansion, which looked like the White House. His eyes swept across the British Indian flag on the dome of the Governor's Mansion. He knew the way forward. Just ahead.

"Sir, what's the matter with you?" The guard who had just finished the inspection looked at Alan Wilson, somewhat amused. "But it's rare to see a Governor's Mansion like you are as young as you."

"I take it as a compliment, thank you." Alan Wilson lowered his head slightly and replied with a smile. By the way, he concealed his embarrassment just now and walked towards a building somewhat similar to the White House.

The Governor's Mansion is full of office workers in a hurry, and in a well-lit room, the current Governor of India, Archibald Percival Wavell, is reaching out in front of the fireplace to absorb the heat, not looking up. Asked back, "Barron, the Mumeng and the National Congress have left?"

"Yes, Governor, they have already left." The man named Barron looked in his forties, his face was clean and he was obviously well-managed, and he replied in a serious manner, "Every time the two sides meet, the differences seem to be more than equal. One more time, not less. This is not only for both parties, but also for us."

"Damn it, the Prime Minister must not want to hear this news." Governor Wavell screamed in a modest voice, but not so much a swearing, but a helpless sigh. Compared with the fact that the frontline Anglo-Indian Army has invaded Burma, the public news that it will be shameful to the Japanese, the internal disputes that give him headaches from time to time, can always dilute the good mood of him as the governor of India.

"They and the Ali Jinnah and Nehru they represent are really a headache for us. Mr. Governor!" Although Barron still has a calm look, he has to admit that compared to the world that has seen the dawn of victory The biggest question is whether the jewel of the British Empire is still as shiny as it is now during the war.

There was a suffocating embarrassment in the room, and there was no sound except the charcoal fire in the fireplace.

Although there are some liberal imperialists in the Conservative Party, they claim that India and even the entire colony have exceeded their output, and hope that the British Empire will abandon the entire colony and stop the current loss-making business.

Just as Adams, the author of the Wealth of Nations theory 150 years ago, called for the independence of the 13 North American states, he believed that British India had become a black hole that consumed the wealth of the British Empire, just like the original 13 North American states.

However, in the Conservative Party, this voice is not the mainstream. Now the Prime Minister of the British Empire, Churchill, has always claimed to defend the glory of the British Empire, but now several leading figures in British India know in their hearts that things are far from simple.

"Tell London, Barron, the news that the Anglo-Indian Army has gone deep into Burma." Governor Wavell withdrew his hands in front of the fireplace and sighed. behind."

"Yes, Governor!" With a stylized smile, Barron stepped back and walked out of the room.

In the entire Indian Governor's Mansion, like the normal state of war, everyone seemed to be very busy dealing with the information of British India and the entire Southeast Asian battlefield in a hurry.

Barron, who had left Governor Wavell, waited for his visitor today with a gentle face. At this time, he was not idle, but played chess with himself.

Not long after, the assistant pushed the door open and followed Alan Wilson behind him. Barron took the last step without raising his head. After playing the chess game, he looked up at the young man in front of him.

He got up and stretched out his fingers in a place to let Alan Wilson sit down, then returned to his position and took out a stack of paper bags, looked at it for himself, and looked at the person from the side, as if verifying his identity.

"You are the son of Grote Wilson, and I am very sad about your father's departure. He and I have a good relationship!" Barron said while looking at the document, "Born in London in 1924, Then he followed his father's work to live in Hong Kong. Before the Pearl Harbor incident, he obtained extremely important information for the allies, and then fell to Calcutta in the Hong Kong colony. Before the war, you had been admitted to the Oriental College of Oxford University."

Speaking of this, Barron closed the document bag and said, "Your father could have had a bigger job, but unfortunately, there are still more diseases here in South Asia. Allen, you are younger than I thought. ."

"Maybe this is not an advantage! Entering the Oriental Department is mainly derived from his father's work experience." Alan Wilson replied softly, sighing in his heart. He has used the special environment of the colony to persuade his father in this life to change his age. He was three years old, because the courses in elementary and middle schools were really not difficult for him. This makes the growth experience look normal,

As for providing information on Pearl Harbor, he originally intended to be a rich second-generation man who could be handy, and let his father, who is a civil servant, become a public servant while gilding. However, the day was not fulfilled, and the responsibility of starting a business fell on his shoulders.

"Very good, but don't be overly modest. Your studies are very beautiful. If it weren't for the outbreak of the World War, you could have become the smallest graduate of Oxford University in recent years." Barron sat in his chair and nodded in satisfaction, then turned to ask. Said, "Although I haven't finished my studies, some concepts about Oriental studies have been accumulated. What do you think of this place in India?"

Barron knows the purpose of this age, and Alan Wilson also knows the purpose of the question asked by the civil servant leader. Both sides know each other's thoughts, tacitly.

"Huh?" Alan Wilson groaned for a moment, and quickly gave the answer, "There is no doubt that in the agricultural era, because of the advantages of scale and geographical factors, Eastern countries can accumulate much larger than Europe. The wealth of South Asia is one of the best. Whether in the past or now, British India has always been the cornerstone of the prosperity of the British Empire and the brightest jewel in the crown."

Barron nodded in approval, and heard Alan Wilson continue, "It is because of the wealth created by the extensive colonies that the British Empire can face the attack of one challenger after another, whether it is Napoleon or William II. The world. India is a land of wealth. Oxford University has initiated a systematic study of Oriental studies and has produced a large number of talents. These talents have a broad vision, narrow thinking, and more understanding of the nature of the world than other European countries. "

At the end, Alan Wilson also praised Oxford University. He knew that Barron was also born in Oxford University, and from this aspect he was able to draw closer the relationship between the two sides.

Obviously Barron was very satisfied with the young man who came here, thinking that his father had a good relationship with him, and he also had a sense of support in his heart. In British India, Barron's authority is no worse than that of several leading figures.

As a civil servant leader, Barron quickly asked about his views on British India, as well as the National Congress Party, the Muslim League, and his understanding of local Indian politicians such as Gandhi, Nehru and Ali Jinnah. .

Alan Wilson gave his own answers to this, and gave some ideas for the future.