Commissioner of Hyderabad

"Do you think Nehru is a great person?" Barron asked in an uncertain tone, crossing his fingers together.

"Yes, Sir Barron." Alan Wilson nodded solemnly, "Nehru's own ideas are more worthy of attention than Gandhi, who has always imagined pastoral life."

Alan Wilson's voice was not loud, but extremely firm. In fact, Nehru, the leader of the National Congress Party, and Ali Jinnah, the leader of the Muslim League, are very powerful political figures.

As far as Nehru alone is concerned, he is a person who cannot be compared with the later generations of Old Immortal Modi. Ali Jinnah, who represents another faction, is also a thoroughly secularized politician. Whether it is Hinduism or peace religion, it is a tool in the hands of two people, and they have no religious overtones in themselves.

Compared with Nehru, the leader of the Muslim League, Ali Jinnah, is a leader who is close to the West. Even the religious propositions of the Muslim League have not been seen by Ali Jinnah for a long time.

However, as a minority, Ali Jinnah was still inevitably affected by the Muslim League, and Ali Jinnah's health was not good. After his death, the Muslim League and Pakistan quickly entered the road of religiousization.

Nehru of the Congress Party is completely different. Nehru always respects Indian culture, but he is unambiguous when he should act. During his tenure, he carried out land reforms, defeated Pakistan to the outside world, and reversed the world's impression of the weakness of Hindus. The recovery of Portuguese Goa has boosted the self-confidence of India.

In the final analysis, Alan Wilson believes that this has a huge relationship with Nehru's visit to the new Soviet Union when he was young. The emergence of the Soviet Union was a great event for the entire world, and it had a huge impact on Nehru at that time. The impact was also very normal. After India became independent, Nehru adopted a large number of Soviet solutions to resolve domestic issues.

If it weren't for that war, Nehru might really build India into a great power.

Listening to the seriousness of the young man standing in front of him, answering his own question, Barron nodded in satisfaction, and a strange emotion surged in his heart. It is hard to imagine that this kind of understanding came from a young man in his early twenties. .

"Now during the war, many departments need talents." Sir Barron groaned and said, "During the Battle of Imphal, your father did a lot of work in Calcutta, whether it was the war zone, the governor's house or the colony department. In our eyes, we must also consider the views of those who have made merit."

Following Barron's words, Alan Wilson became more and more cautious, knowing that his path was between the other's thoughts.

"Well, considering your age, Mumbai, Kolkata and even Delhi are too conspicuous. Now the seventeen provinces of India are not suitable for the job you started. But in the face of your father, I can make you relaxed I started working at the position of the company, a job with no low status." Barron thought while saying, "You go to be a Hyderabad commissioner, what do you think?"

"Um? Thank you Sir Barron." Alan Wilson was stunned for a moment, and An Nai thanked for the surprise in his heart.

British India is governed by the Governor's Office and the British Commissioner. There are a total of 17 provinces, occupying two-thirds of what is now British India. The remaining one-third of the land is distributed over 560. Tubang. These territories are big and small. The small ones are just bigger landlords, while the big ones are treated with great courtesy in Britain and regarded as the head of a country.

Among the more than 500 countries, the strongest is Hyderabad, which Sir Barron calls Hyderabad. It is the largest among British India in terms of size and population, and is far stronger than the Indian-Pakistani war that has caused many subsequent wars. Kashmir.

While Alan Wilson was still thinking about it, Sir Barron had already said to himself, "Although Hyderabad is not actually under the control of British India, its importance is no less than that of the provinces controlled by the Governor's Office. Among the more than one hundred states, Hyderabad can be regarded as a weather vane, so don't worry about it, the importance is the same."

Sir Barron also felt that Alan Wilson was a little disappointed in his arrangement, explaining the importance of Hyderabad, and said, "The current local ruler is Mill Osman Ali Khan, a rule respected by London. Communicating with him is not inferior to working in a province under our control."

It may be more comfortable to enter the provinces of India to work, but considering Alan Wilson's age, Sir Barron is not good because his personal relationships are too excessive. In the Indian turrets under the indirect rule of the British Empire, giving him a good position. It will appear too conspicuous and will not be caught by others.

After all, it is the time of the World War. Some previous rules can be broken, but a certain degree of fire must be mastered.

Alan Wilson was not dissatisfied with this. He also knew that Sir Barron had done his best, and within the current rules, he could only do so much.

"During the Battle of Imphal, your father helped me a lot and maintained the stability of India." At last Sir Barron mentioned the past, and Alan Wilson understood.

Speaking of Alan Wilson's father, the elder Wilson soon found a way to continue to wrestle in the civil service since he fled to India, and finally gained a foothold in Kolkata.

Kolkata was the capital of British India before New Delhi. The British had operated in Kolkata for half a century. The capital was placed in New Delhi 30 years ago. In this era, it is undoubtedly the second largest city in India.

After the Battle of Burma, the center of Bangladesh faced the threat from the Japanese until the outbreak of the Battle of Imphal. As for the old Wilson, it was during this time, in accordance with Sir Barron's instructions, to maintain the operation of Calcutta.

But this is not what Sir Barron meant. The main reason for taking a high look at Alan Wilson is the outbreak of the Great Famine in Bangladesh. There is always a famine in British India, but two years ago, the famine in Bangladesh exceeded three million people. Starved to death at the time before and after the Battle of Imphal. Old Wilson can be said to be to blame. Also to be blamed is Sir Barron, the chief of the British Indian civil servants working in the Government House.

Alan Wilson breathed a sigh of relief. Because of his father's generation, he finally got what he wanted in the Governor's Mansion. At this moment, Sir Barron said, "Don't be too happy, I only recommend candidates. You should know that the final decision is still in the hands of Governor Wavell. If nothing happens, I will inform you of the good news in a while."

"Thank you, Sir Barron." Alan Wilson took out a gold coin and said to himself, "I got this from a businessman. I personally hope that Sir Barron will not care about his metal composition, but from Seeing the precious Indian history above is like the academic issues studied by the Oriental Institute, and seeing the broad Eastern world."

"Precious historical value, I think so." Sir Barron reached out and took it without a word, and glanced at the sunlight coming through the window, seeming to be quite amazed by the pattern on it.