Tease more

Henry and melissa are at the roof top and talking some normal topics.Well, henry complimented her beauty then george came up there with his surprise gift that women "Amelia".

George intentionally complimenting amelia infront of melissa. Then melissa noticed it and reversely she is trying to close with henry infront of prince.

Melissa talking to henry by holding his hands, then george watching them. So he also took off his chain from his neck, and gifted it to amelia.

He just didn't gift it but also he with his own hands wear it.

Melissa got hurted so,

( Heavy breath)"Henry, shall we go to other place?.There is some disturbances here" melissa told.

"Well, yes! Okay."henry smiles.

George and amelia looking at them.

George is jealous, well amelia she can find out anybody's charecter by their behaviour. She found that george interested in melissa.

Well, melissa and henry left from there.

"Okay,henry! Good night." Melissa is out of mood.

"But, you'd want to talk to me right?" he asked.

"Ah, yes.But im so tired today,so sorry. Good night" melissa left from there.

Henry didn't understand why she is suddenly changed, he doesnt knew that melissa did this on purpose. But at the end she upsets her self more.

Melissa,went to garden for some time. And sitting there lonely thinking about the new girl amelia and prince george. She looking at moon and talking to herself.

"God, Why are you testing me like this.Its so hurtful when we see our beloved one with somebody else" melissa crying.

Melissa's hair is flying in the air and she was rubbing her tears, and smiling at moon.

Prince george came there with amelia and,

"Oh god, Where did you find this beauty? Every time i saw you, my heart just vibrates in bliss" george saying this words to amelia but not mean it. He meant these words for melissa, but to show off infront of melissa, george was complimenting her.

Amelia is behind prince george, so she is watching everything, that prince george saying all these words to melissa.

Melissa understood that prince came there with her, so she didn't even looked at them. But prince george voice is audible. Melissa is getting mad.

Melissa cant resist herself so she left from the garden, melissa wants to meet simon (george's father 'walter'). So at late night she went to his place.

Melissa and george's father talking about amelia, she explained everything about amelia and george. So, as per she said, simon said her.

simon laughed.

"This is serious uncle" she said.

"Sorry, melissa! He likes you, and now i got comfirmation he is in love with you, cuz from his childhood teasing was his nature, when he loves somebody so much he will tease them. So i m saying you he is in love with you" he clears his throat.

"Hope these words are true, Thank you so much uncle. I feel better now." she is happy.

"Okay, tell me any interesting news in palace?" he asked

"Nothing uncle, but that women named amelia, she is something uncle. I can smell any human being scent from far away. But she is not like that, she smells weird" melissa rolled her eyes.

"Hmm,then keep an eye on her. Be carefull, cuz she is close to prince so you have to be carefull" he said.

"Okay uncle, i will take care of my love and your son" she smiled.

After some time melissa left from there, now she feels better. So she now knew his behaviour now from tomorrow onwards melissa starts her game.

Here, prince george with amelia in the garden. Amelia talking non sense and prince getting irritation. Prince george wants to escape from her, but at the same time that fake girl lisa also appeared and when she saw george. Then she also joined them, and prince george in the middle with each side lisa and amelia, both are chittering like birds, talking nonsense. He is praying to god to save him from both of them.

Some how an official came to there and called him and then george immediately escaped from there and thanked to the official.

Then he went to his room, and he is laughing infront of mirror with himself, remembering about today's incidents. And talking to himself like

"Melissa, i will show you what hell. I hate you,from tomorrow onwards i will play with you" he is talking to himself but didnt realise that he was in love with her.

So from tomorrow both melissa and george will play with each other, and whatever it is ,but both will love each other.

Its early morning, prince george wants to announce a game, and its his plan for melissa to make her mad and jealous.

So, in the palace anybody interested will perform arrow target game, as per prince's order henry,william, rubina and old lady, bethany , lisa,amelia also participating in that game.

Rubina begged melissa to participate but she rejected but came to see rubina's performance.

At the performance, everybody seated in their positions. Prince sat aside to melissa's seat. Prince george asked rubina about melissa.

"Hai rubina," prince george.

"Hai prince" said back.

"Is your sister performing?" he asked.

"Sorry prince, i tried but she rejected,she dont want to play" rubina said with sad face.

"I planned this for her, how could it be? She will perform" george thinking in his mind and smiled.

"Okay, okay! Its melissa, this game is for dare people like amelia,not for children like your sister" george provoked.

Rubina is mad, and melissa heard it.

And its amelia's turn, she performed excellent in arrow target game.

prince george really fall for her talent, and he is giving more appreciation with claps and smiling at her, that amelia arrow was straight coming to melissa's heart she thinks.

Well now its rubina's turn to participate.

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