Arrow target

Prince george planned this for melissa to insult her infront, but when rubina said that she wont participate, first he felt tense but he can well judge about others charecter.

so, he provoked melissa indirectly, she then responds exactly how prince george wants her to be. So, now she is participating.

But present as the game starts, prince george send amelia for the first to participate. Every guy there is cheering for her, cuz she is that sexy and attractive even in the bunch of crowd.

Amelia went to the spot, took the recurve bow and an arrow into her hands and then with one eye she targeted to the dartboard.

She stretched the bow string with arrow, and for safety she wore arm guard and then targeted, gave a stretch and the arrow is pointed.

The arrow with jet speed touched the exact yellow colour in the board. Prince george stood up and clapping for her, while clapping he looked at melissa and chuckled like he was provoking more and more just with his looks.

Then now its rubina's turn to play. Melissa and old lady cheered up for her, rubina just waved the arrow string her arrow didn't even touch the board it was hitted to a basket, that means her attempt was an utter flop everybody there was laughing at her.

Rubina's face was dull, then melissa cheered up for her. Now its henry's turn.

That means its melissa's turn to take revenge, so henry stood up and ready to take his arrow then melissa brought some water to henry, prince george clears his throat. Now george had pain in his ass cuz right now he cant able to sit steady, he was in shock that how melissa treats him infront of everybody like this he thought in his mind.

Henry is so happy, because melissa gave him water and she also looked at prince george, and then melissa came near to prince george and said

"Prince, take some water and cool your self" she chuckled.

prince george's face is red like he was burning with jealous. Now melissa is satisfied.

So, prince george eagerly waiting for melissa to see what she could do there. But prince george was underestimated her talents. Melissa can do or learn anything easily with just one attempt.

William did excellent in this for a very good reason as he was well experienced.

Now after old lady and bethany, its melissa's turn, She threw an arrow its so close but missed,but the second attempt she looked at prince george and recalling the things he did to make her jealous and everything just reappeared on archery board and she is aiming to the black main point in the board just imagining amelia at the archery board.

Prince george leaned forward with curious and rubina clapping for her, then melissa squeezed out her abs and aimed the target then bang.

Her arrow perfectly reached the board. Prince george jaw dropped she performed perfectly.

Prince george forgot his self and clapped for here but then he got his sense and stopped smiling and clears his throat then sat down.

Shit what an idiot i am he is thinking and scolding his self. Then melissa chuckled at him.

So, melissa without experience she performed so well thats why with his own hands he gifted her a sword that is green in colour at the end and very shiny.

While at the stage melissa receiving the sword with prince's hands, melissa eyes with proud and smiled at him that time george's face was slight red melissa understood his anger.

Any how melissa won and she is happy but george is not. But at the end melissa loved him so she want to reconcile both father and son. She was thinking on that then rubina came to her,

"What are you doing my little sister?" rubina hugged her from behind.

"Well, im thinking about this father and son! we have to do something sister. Uncle really loves george" melissa is worrying.

Rubina also thinking the same.

"Sister, how about a trip?" rubina asked.

"Boat trip? again? no way i cant" she rejected.

"come on, no! Like a picnic, we will take george with us but without william, cuz he will never let us do if he knew this." rubina suggested.

"Well, nice. But prince george i dont think he will come" she said.

"Leave that to me, sister" rubina smiled.

Both are laughing, and happy.

The next day rubina and melissa went to george quarter, melissa stayed out side and. rubina went inside to request him as a friend.

A moan from prince's behind, he turned then its rubina.

"Oh, you! Tell me rubina. Whats the matter? And where is your sister" his eyes looking searching outside.

Clear her throat and asked" Prince george, we planned to go outside for a picnic just like family trip, aunt bethany also coming with us" she said.

"Well, sorry! Im too busy it wont work" he told her with lazy voice.

Then rubina at the spot thought and lied" Ah, okay prince! Its okay you're a prince and king so you may have many things to do, its okay Prince henry will replace you. He already accepted to come with us" she lied

Prince george turned backside and started thinking with rolled his eyes, then rubina laughed silently.

"Is henry told you?" he asked biting his lip.

Rubina laughed" Yes prince, Melissa went to him and asked him then he immediately agreed to come with us".

Then george turned to rubina's side and said"Well, for you guys, im coming with you" he said like he's not interested.

"Its okay prince, dont come if you have important things to do" rubina is making fun of him.

"No,no! Actually i remembered that i have no things to do." prince george is struggling inside,which makes rubina so happy.

"Okay prince, then tomorrow morning be ready" .

"Okay" he replied.

Rubina came out side, then melissa

"sister,Stop hitting on him" melissa.

"Okay okay sister, he want to hurt you so i avenged him, you dont know how his expressions when i said henry's name" rubina is laughing .

"Well, but i didn't asked him" melissa is worrying.

"Uff, you go ask him the same. He definetely will accept to come with us, may be he will help us" rubina said.

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