Fighting between melissa and george

Prince george agreed to come there, but because of rubina's lie now melissa have to ask henry .

So, its not very big deal for melissa cuz henry interests in her. Melissa went to henry's room and asked about a picnic,

"Henry? Will you join us for picnic?" she asked nervous.

"Well, sorry melissa! I cant, recently im too busy" he replied.

Then melissa did the same trick that rubina did for prince george.

"Okay, its okay henry. prince george will replace you" she said.

Then suddenly he asked "George? Is he coming?" he asked.

"Well, he agreed to come with us"she said.

"Um,melissa i totally forgot that today im free maybe for three days im free. so, i will come with you" he said.

Melissa did great and also requested henry to bring her mother bethany because rubina said everyones name so all of them are must to present the picnic other wise their plan will be spoil.

So henry will conveince her mother, then here its all okay melissa came from his room, then rubina from behind her caught melissa tightly,

"Copied me" she shouted in her ears.

"ouch, stop! I didn't understand what to do so i copied your trick, well but i didnt understood one thing" melissa is thinking.

"What?" rubina asked

"Prince george accepted cuz he was jealous but why did he agreed when i said george's name?" she is still confuse.

"Hm, leave it! May be its brothers thing" rubina told.

"Hm ,may be! Anyways all is okay, but how can we recoil them ?" melissa asked.

"I dont know! But we will have chances, so use them" she said.

"Okay, sister but we have to tell mother" melissa forgot her mother.

"Yeah, go tell her now" they both going to their room. Now they're explaining everything to the old lady.

"Hm, so this is it?" old lady while washing her clothes,after listening everything they've said her.

Both melissa and rubina looking into each other in confusion.

The old lady was in silent, then melissa leaned close to her, and called her

"Mother?" she whispered.

"Whatttt????" old lady suddenly scared them with her shout.

Both are scared.

"Uff, mother! oh my god, you scared me half to death" rubina said with fearful expression.

"That's what im saying, all these things will keep your lives in risk. I dont want to do that" old lady cried.

"Mother, we're well aware of it. I know william is bad and cruel but you're forgetting one thing. We are mermaids not less than william" melissa convinced her.

"Okay, whatever it results i wont let anything harm to you" old lady said.

some footsteps are ascending the steps, the sound was closed, its bethany

"Hai melissa," bethany smiled.

"Hi" replied.

"Henry told me about the picnic, im very trilled but sorry, my husband william is not coming darling" she said with dull voice.

"Thats what we want" rubina whispered in melissa's ear.

"What?" bethany asked.

"Ah, nothing mam! She's crack" melissa with big eyes looking at rubina.

"Oh, okay then when we are going?" she asked.

"Tomorrow mam, be prepared for morning " melissa kindly said.

"Oh , melissa how many times i've told you, dont call me mam. Call me aunt" bethany straightens her hair looking at mirror.

"well, okay aunt" melissa said.

Then bethany left from there. Melissa amd rubina convinced simon(george's father). Then at late night george dreamt and disturbed in his dreams, and suddenly woke up.

"No" george screamed in late night, suddenly woke up from his bed and he was sweating.He drank some water and decided to bring amelia with her to the picnic.

Its because he dreamt about melissa and henry they were kissing in a big forest its like picnic so was scared and now definetely will go with them, he wont let that happen and he want amelia to go with him.

George wont leave any chances to make melissa mad. Its morning and bethany almost packed half of the palace, and getting ready infront of mirror in her room.

" Are you selling our room to somebody?" william asked with base voice.

"What are you talking ?" bethany checking her accessories looking herself in mirror.

"What are these things?" he asked directly.

"Oh, yeah! We all are going to picnic that arranged by those two girls" she said.

"You mean melissa and her sister"? he asked curiously.

"Hm" she replied.

William in deep thinking, then bethany just left with her stuff.

Everybody waiting for bethany and prince george. Then bethany is coming and behind her there are five men carrying her stuff.

Rubina making fun of bethany, melissa trying to shut her mouth.

"Aunt? Only these?" rubina asked with showing on her luggage.

"Oh, yeah! I dont like to wear too much make up or accessories you know" she said, bethany was really a joker and innocent.

Both melissa and rubina are laughing, then a husky voice in ear of melissa

"Im ready"

Melissa turned back and its henry,

"hai henry" melissa.

Both are talking then prince george was coming, melissa just staring at him. Then Amelia and lisa are behind prince george, melissa was like shit her expressions are changed.

Melissa looking at him seriously,

"What,? im a prince i can do what i want" he said and grabbed amelia's hand to his left side and with his right hand he grabbed lisa and rolled her.

Then melissa grabbed henry's hand and wrapped her hand to his arm, like couple. Then its like somebody choking him to prince george, so he maintained some space with both of them, then later melissa also stayed in her limits.

Everybody was ready to go, then amelia said,

"Prince, can i come with you?" amelia asked a ride with her seductive voice.

"Henry, can i come with you on horse?" melissa asked, gave shock to george.

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