Melissa in mermaid form

When amelia asked a ride on horse ,then melissa also thought he prince will take her with him with pleasure, so melissa also leaned her hand forward and asked for a ride on henry's horse.

"No" george shouted.

"What"? Amelia and melissa at a time asked.

clears his throat " um, no! I mean sorry amelia i dont like to give ride, this horse is special to me. Sorry" he said and looked at melissa.

"okay, melissa! come on" henry stretched his hand out for her.

But now melissa hesitates to, cuz she asked it for george to make him jealous. Now she doesn't know what to do. Then suddenly rubina,

"Thank you so much prince, actually she asked a ride because of me. Because i love horse rides." rubina mounted the horse,this is make up for melissa.

Though henry felt disappointed, george was happy, then said.

"Okay, come on" george on his horse kicked it with his leg and ready to go.

Then henry also went on his horse, everybody are moving with some guards.

Prince george and henry with some men reached the mountain, there is a waterfall near the mountain. Its big with herbivorous animals, birds and cool climate and good spot for fishing.

Henry and george reached their before the others, henry and george checked the place and its all safe

"Hm, its safe and beautiful. They found very good place" george impressed.

"of course, it will! Cuz its melissa's selection. Her selection is always like her beauty" henry said.

George inside feels like suffocating.He sighs.

Then the others arrived, melissa bethany old lady and rubina are making their tents and wanted to set a fire with woods.

So melissa went to collect some woods nearby, henry also helped her to collect some woods, they went out together well george noticed it and he also followed them.

They both were talking and suddenly a big root from the ground and it coiled to melissa's feet so melissa slipped then without late henry threw woods in his hands and caught her waist and grabbed her.

George noticed all this and went back to tents. George sat alone in shade of big tree then amelia saw him and went to him sat near to him. Lisa competing with amelia so she also went to george.

"What happened prince? you look tired and dull" amelia asked him and moving close to him.

"Oh, prince! may be you're tired of travelling. Come sleep in my lap" lisa with eye brow raised and showing her lap.

"Its okay" he said.

Now,she is ready to compete with me shit. Day by day its becoming hard to kill you prince george,amelia thought to her self.

"Prince come on,lean your head on my chest You will get some peace" she asked seductively.

Then lisa checking at her boobs, and disappointed. Both george and amelia are laughing, because its funny to see lisa like that while she's busy in checking her boobs size.

Then, melissa and henry are coming with woods. George noticed them from far away and leaned his head on amelia's chest, they were so close that time. Seeing both of them make melissa so angry and rude.

Amelia feeding him with some grapes well george eating them, melissa behaving rude to everybody she is angry. After she completed her tent,

"Okay, finished! Come on lets eat some thing im hungry" rubina said.

"No, you go! Im not hungry, i want to be alone" she said.


" I said i want to be alone, leave me" she said and going into deep forest, its noon. She saw a water fall and went to there, sat near to that river. Its so clear and beautiful.

Melissa sat there and seeing her self in the water.

If i wont see him, this wont happen, she is talking to herself. Then she looked around if somebody is there or not. There's nobody so she undressed herself and get into water.

Melissa swims and her mind was now thinking about nothing, she was completely in the water, her wet hair and wet body in sun its shining.

Her pale skin is so beautifull, the she heard some wood crack. She half turned around its george. George gazing at her with glance, cuz in that sun shine her pale body was beautifull and her hair looking gorgeous.

Melissa turned around its george, she was scared cuz now she is in her original form, with her beautiful long shiny pearl tail.

When she turned around, she has no clothes but her hair covered her nipples, then she covered her chest with her two arms.

George jaw dropped, staring at her. Then closed his mouth and

"Im sorry, so sorry. May be i shouldn't come here" he closed his eyes.

Then melissa came out of water and quickly wore her dress.

"You can open your eyes"she said.

"Im so sorry" clicks his tongue.

"Why did you come here?, oh where are they?" melissa looking around for them.

"Who?" he asked.

"Your amelia and lisa" she said.

"Oh, um.They are at their tents" he said


"Okay" he said.

"hm" she replied.

"okay" he's repeating back.

"Okay" she raised her voice slightly.

"Yeah, okay" he's not going.

"Well, okay! Im going, bye" she said and walking with her wet hair. Then suddenly slipped and george caught her carefully, but she is wet so the ground near the river is also slippery so both they slipped and fall on ground.

George falls on melissa, on that slippery ground melissa and george both are fell on each other, george looking into melissa's eye. Her eye colour hazel with green colour. Its so beautifull,both of them are looking into each other.

Then amelia and lisa came in search of george they both shouting his name, then suddenly saw prince george on melissa they both were wet and dirty.

"prince "both lisa and amelia shouted.

Then melissa pushed him and both are stood with mud on their clothes. Melissa cleaning her dress and her mud hair with her hands and went from there.

Then george caught her hand

"please dont go" he asked.

"Why? now you have your beloved ones" she said with long face.

"No,no! Lisa she is torture both are crazy" he face was like crying.

Then melissa understood its all because of to make her jealous, so she wants to avenge george for flirting with amelia by leaning on her boobs. So,

"Amelia, lisa! Your prince george wants to bath with both of you in this river" melissa said to them and left george alone there.

she cant stop her laugh. And george was crying inside, both amelia and lisa running to him to take bath with him. Melissa perfectly tricked him.

"Devil, beauty of devil,sadism! I wont leave you" thought to his self.

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