Amelia true self revealed

Melissa tricked him and left him alone with two crazy ladies amelia and lisa. Now george in the river with amelia and lisa, both are fighting with each other for prince.

one of them trying to seduce him, and another one undressing him. Amelia with her fingers she unbuttoned prince george's white shirt, she continued to unbuttoned then george caught her hand and stopped her from doing that.

Then amelia stopped but didn't stop seducing. She with her left hand touching his chest and

"Wow! What a body prince." amelia cant resist herself and continued touching his chest and tempting him.

"Okay! I had enough bath. You ladies enjoy" he stepped out from the water and walk speedy to avoid them.

Then both of them in water looking at each other.

If you are my target, i will definetely be enjoying to kill you amelia thought in his mind.

Then lisa came out from water, well amelia also about to step out from the water. But she suddenly like about to lost consciousness, but she is okay.

"What happened?" lisa asked,

"Nothing, im fine" amelia's head is dizzy.

"Are you sick, head ache?" lisa asked.

"Nothing, you go" amelia said.

"Well okay" lisa left from there not caring that much.

What is happening to me,i think im loosing my power she talking to herself. Amelia's poison is extremely powerfull, and she is dangerous.But some times she needs her power or else she will lose her strength. Amelia from her childhood she feeds on special snake's poison. So, now she wants snake poison she have to be bite by a snake now.

But now she is outside, and also amelia always carries a snake with her secretly. Now there's everybody so she knew that its not safe to do this in day time,she prefer night time.

Untill then she have to wait and have to be patience.

Melissa said everything to rubina both are laughing about george's present situation. Well, in there talking george arrived there,looking angrily at melissa, but melissa cant stop her laugh, continuously laughing.

"Prince, what happened?" Bethany asked, and bring him a towel to clean himself.

"What happened george?" henry asked him.

"Nothing" he said.

All of them ate their lunch, and old lady is getting bored so,

"Okay, how about hide and seek?" she suggested.

"What is hide and seek"? both melissa amd rubina asked once.

Everybody looking at them weird because every human childhood will be start with playing games like hide and seek.

"Dont you know hide and seek play?" lisa curiously asked them.

"um, they're joking. They usually played these games many times" old lady covered for them.

And later old lady explained them how to play and told them rules in that game.

Now, old lady gave this idea so she has to seek for them. Now everybody ran everywhere and hid in some places.

Some body om trees and some body got covered them selves in bushes.

Now old lady is searching for them, bethany was out, as she wasn't hid herself cuz its dirty every where so she sat on the grass ground with stretched her two legs out.

Old lady laughed at her, cuz its really funny to see her like that. Next its henry, now its rubina.

Rubina hid in a bush that has so many leaves and its thick but she is out cuz her dress is too long so old lady saw a piece of her cloth came out side of the bush.

Now, there is only amelia ,lisa and george melissa are playing.

unfortunetly, lisa and amelia caught at a time at same place. Both are doesn't aware that they are hiding at the same place. Really brain less nuts old lady thought.

Finally its george and melissa, old lady couldn't find them as she was old. So, she asked henry for help. So, she us taking rest at her tent, henry is finding them.

"Guys, now im about to find you." henry shouted.

They understood that now they're hiding from henry. Henry has great hearing ability. He cant sense sound from far.

Melissa changing her place in order to not lose the game, and george also thought that he dont want to out with melissa.

So, george also changing his place, while they're changing their places. Coincidently, melissa and george are at same place.

They both found a big tree. Beautifull big old tree but with empty trunk, george went into there and hid in there. Well, after a few seconds melissa also hid in there.

"What?"you again?" melissa

"Yes,im"george said.

"This is my place, you go" melissa ordered.

"No, i came here first" he said.

"Ahhhhhh" melissa shouted, but shared the place with him.

George looking at her, melissa observed it and turned another side. Now george could see her back,he cant stop his self so he blew air with his lips. Melissa felt that air blew, she closed her eyes,cuz its tickling her back she smiled but pretends like angry.

"What are doing" she asked him.

"Nothing, its hot here, so i blowing some air to us" he smiled.

"No,thanks" she said .

"Dont touch me" she shouted.

Henry heard their voices and

"Found ya" shouted with pointing his finger, but left still after seeing both of them together in such a small place. He wish that he could be there with her.

"What are you doing george"? he asked .

"Im hiding, then she came to me and hid in my place" he replied.

"What? i dont know that you are here, otherwise i wont even see this side" she is arguing.

Three of them came together, old lady asked who is the winner, then henry showed george with his fingers, but in dull face.

"Why are you looking dull som?" bethany asked.

"Nothing, mother!" he breaths heavily.

Its night,so everybody set up a fire with collected woods and finishes their dinner and talked about some topics, laughed, some body cried about remembering their past life's sad moments. They had great time pass and all went to their tents.

Well, amelia is waiting for this moment. She is weak and its mid night, she took out a snake from her bag and want to go far away from tents because lisa is with her in the same tent.

So, she went outside and melissa didn't sleep in time thinking about prince and some romantic moments that happened today.

Then she saw a shadow that is crossing her tent slowly, she saw a women shadow from inside her tent.

Then she followed that shadow came out side to see who was that, Its amelia walking like a thief with carrying something in her hands she thought.

she followed her with some distance without making any sounds. Whats the thing in her hands melissa thinking in her mind and tries to look but its dark.

Amelia looked around and checked her back as if somebody's following her, she sees nobody.

Then she went to a plane grass ground, and melissa watching her from few steps away from her and hid in thick bushes.

Amelia opened a poisonous snake and lifted that snake with her one hand and she is sticking her tongue out, and placed the snake near her tongue.

The venomous snake bitted her tongue, then she jerked her head that means that snake venom gave her some strength. Now she is fully fledged and strong enough. But after the snake bit her, it died cuz amelia's poison is more dangerous than snake's poison.

So it died and melissa seeing all this scene got scared, and amelia threw that snake away. And walked into tents, then melissa fastly run to the tents.

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