Melissa returned to her native land

Thunder carol came to the right place at right time to save her daughter and also her sister. The witch is non other than his sister that once fell in love with walter ( the fisherman).

So,because of her mistake his brother sea god cursed her and made her an ugly creature. But now he changes his opinion and his mind. And also wants to return her previous power and her beauty to her.

"You ugly bitch!You call my sister ugly?Nobody can stand infront of her beauty. You wanna see her true beauty? You wanna see her real self?" thunder carol shouted on amelia.

And he with his magic power stick. Gave her powers and beauty to her. And also saved her from poison.

Then slowly her legs turned into a beautiful big long tail. She got her long shiny wavy hair, beautiful shiny face. Extremely gorgeous body and her beautifull voice. He returned all her powers and her grace to her.

Then he broke the glass just with one punch. He killed amelia with his big snake. Thunder carol has very big snake that guards his powers and secure him. So, the big snake so powerfull than anything in this world.

The snake killed amelia so cruelly. Melissa got saved from the glass and returned to human form but without dress, so george gave his clothes to her. Then, george hugged her so tightly. Seeing a human that touched her daughter like that makes him so angry and he was about to curse him. But, then from the behind william with sword coming to kill melissa but george saw him and he pushed away melissa then the sword directly slammed into his heart. The sword is not a normal sword its the sword of poison. William applied some powerfull poison to the sword.

So, george immediately fell down. Thunder carol shocked to see the affection. So sea god left him without cursing but the big snake with permission of sea god it also killed william by swallowing him at a time in just one piece. Its hard to see it. Henry saw all this by hiding there somewhere. He cried and already igniting with fire inside him.

Then melissa went to him and crying her eyes out for him. Sea god caught her and and grabbed her away from george. George untill his last breath, he craved for melissa.

Melissa begging her father to save him at once. Then her sister also begged to save him. Because of the fact that george saved melissa, he decided to save her but on a condition.

"Okay! I will save him but from this minute. You are not going to see him again in your life. Promise me!" he asked for promise.

"Father! I loved him, please father" melissa crying and begging.

"See him! He cant be able to survive for one more minute melissa. True love is not only meant for together its also a sacrifice for our loved ones" he's heart is rock.

Melissa looked at him for few seconds, and said

"Promise you father! I wont meet him or see him again. Now please save him" melissa cried alot and obviously not happy for her decision.

Then sea god smiled and lifted up his magic stick and saved him with his powers. Then he grabbed her hand and took her to the sea again.

How did he found them?


When rubina told everything about themselves. Henry released his father and helped him to kidnap melissa. But william promised henry to not harm her. But all these tensions are because of melissa he thought. So, william decides to kill her already.

Henry behind rubina's back, he was using her to get melissa into his lap. So, he planned to kill father and son together. Rubina is aware of his filthy cruel plans. She believed him so naive.

When melissa kidnapped by william. And they brought her to the rainy island because henry leaked the truth about melissa and rubina. So, on melissa's hand there is a tattoo its jelly. So, jelly with her power she send message to then old lady already known everything about them.

So, with the help of old lady went to sea and said the truth about their trip and present melissa's situation. And there by, sea god with extreme anger entered to the land with his powers.


so, now melissa went to her native place. George and walter, sea god's sister are reached to the palace with such a disappointment. George was unconscious with wound in his heart. But walter and his ex are worrying about how to convey this bitter truth to him after he wakes up.

Then after a day george woke up. After he opened his eyes, the word the name that was first escaped from his mouth is 'Melissa'.

"Father? Where is melissa?"

"Son" walter hesitates to speak up.

"Where is she? I want her, where is she"? george shouted loudly and crying for her.

"George! Her father took her to her native place. They've made an agreement, her father saved you so as per their agreement she promised her father to not see you again" sea god's sister explained everything to george.

George couldn't resist his self and he wants to see her so badly. He tried to stand up but couldn't he is so weak.

"George, dont make a scene here. If you want to see her then eat well. I will take you tonight to her but just to see her. So, eat well" she said.

"Okay! Okay! i want see her. I will eat anything" george convinced.

"Good! She sacrificed her love to save you. So, dont waste her love george. Be carefull" she said left from there.

Then walter and george hugged eachother and george asked something.

"Father! Why did she called you with other name?" george remembered that she called walter as 'simon'.

"Ah, yes! That time she has no good impression on kings and royal people. so, i lied her that im a fisherman. And i told her that my father is fisherman" walter laughed.

"Hm! Father i want melissa father. I really loved her" george's crying.

"Dont worry son! We'll see what happens" walter said.

Here melissa's not eating anything, apologising her.

"Melissa! Im sorry! I cant afford to lose you. Im sorry melissa" mr. fish with lowering his head infront of melissa with shame.

"You did absolutely nothing mr. fish. But im wondering about william and amelia. How did they know about me?" melissa is deeply thinking.

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