Mr.Fish became george's bestfriend

Melissa and mr. fish discussing something about george then sea god entered and asked about it.

"Hm, what is it melissa?" he asked.

"Nothing father!" she replied.

"Why dont you eat anything?" he questioned.

She became quite with sadness.

"Remember melissa, i wont accept your marriage with a human. By the way, our friend arzu tash asked your hand. He liked you so much. Tomorrow is your wedding with him" He gave a shock to everybody.

"Master! How did you meet and when did you do all this?" asked.

"Mm! Now you really want me to answer your question? Shut up and convince her" he went.

Melissa started to cry and she is not eating anything. told about swa god's sister.

"My father had a sister?" melissa asked.

"Of course! She loved your father-in- law walter. So, your father jinxed him and he changed her into a ugly creature" explained everything.

"Oh! So she after turned into a beautifull lady. So, she is my aunt right?" melissa was shocking.

"Yes,yes! Maybe she will help you." suggested.

"Thankyou Whats her name"? she asked.

"Greta!" replied

"Wow! Just beautifull like her" she praised her beauty.

"Hmm,true! Just same as her,my melissa also gorgeous" mr. fish smiled at her.

"Thank you".

But melissa eating nothing, sea god noticed it and worried for her. Because he hate humans so much he believe that they have no affection they are so selfish people. The deep truth behind his opinion is that her wife also a beautifull mermaid and once killed by a human being. So, thats why he used to hate them so much.

He didn't say how his wife died to anybody not even to their daughters. Here, george ate because of melissa. So, as promise sea god's sister took him near to sea.

"Take it george! Be carefull, wait here" greta said and gave a shawl for him because its very cold near the sea.

He nodded.

Greta after went into water she changed into mermaid form, seeing her swim like that he shocked for her. Greta firstly meets his brother.

"Brother!" she called with nervous.

"Yes" a deep sadness in his voice turned into other side.

"Brother! Im sorry brother, all these years" she is crying.

"No, the one who have to say sorry is me. That time i cant even remember that your my sister. Im sorry sister. Let it be what happened in the past. Leave it" he turned to her side and came to hug her.

"Thanks for forgiving me brother. Brother, i want to say something" she asked while she was hugging him.

"Dont! I know what you'll say, i dont want him i dont care. And you go to her and make sure that she accepts my words" he pushed her away from hug.

"What is it brother?" she couldn't understand it.

"I 've arranged a match for her. And you have to convince her" he commanded and left.

Greta went to melissa and touched her.

"Melissa, dont cry darling" greta.

"Aunt! I cant do this anymore. I couldn't resist myself" melissa crying.

"Thats why i brought your george here"

"What! here?" melissa looking everywhere.

"Not here! He's on the land waiting for you" she said.

Melissa lowered her head.

"What is it darling?" greta lifts her chin and asked.

"I promised father, i cant see him. Please take him out from here please i beg you aunt. If he's near to me my heart wont be able to resist. Please dont say anything please make him leave" she begged.


"Please aunt, i cant! Please take away him. Huh, and take with you he will take good care of him. Please go aunt" melissa requested.

So, as melissa didn't convince. Greta left with such a disappointment.

Greta left with

How to show myself to him now greta thought to herself.

"What happened aunt! Where is she?" he asked with curious.

"George! Her father arranged her wedding with somebody else. She said that she wont see you again. And also said to take good care of yourself.

George fell down out of shock and sadness.

"What are you talking aunt! No, you're lying" george crying there.


"No! i wont listen to anybody. I want to see her right now." he decided.

"Please george" greta said and suddenly remains quite.Cuz she is talking to melissa, in telepathy method. They have that abilities.

"Look, she can listen you. She wants you to leave from here right now" greta said .

"Oh, so now you're talking to her without her presence. Of course you're a mermaid right. You can do anything. Okay i will leave" george out of rage.

"Ah, george! Take it. She wants me to give it to you" greta gave

"Oh! Fine! Bye" george went.

"Greta went to sea again".

After confirmed that she returned to sea, george again return to sea and slept there with mr. fish looking at the sky.

"Look! She called you like this right?", george chuckles.

"Um! Can we go to palace,?",

George looking around to see where the voice come from. But there's no where.

"Here?" talking.

" You can talk?" george with big eyes asked.

"Hm" he smiled.

"No wonder you can talk" george with rolled eyes.

Then george again leaned on the ground he fell on the sand and with folding his hands back to his head and looking at the sky.

"Um, what are you looking at ? prince" asked.

"See the sky, The brighter white clouds are totally got covering by thick black dark clouds ,like our love spoiled and covered by your sea god's stupid decision" george laughed with a disappointment.

"But melissa really loved you and still she is madly in love with you" said.

"Yes! I know that But she is avoiding because of some stupid promise to her father" he said.

Then after some time also slept but george for very long time looking at the skies. Its almost so cold and mid night, then melissa also keeps thinking about him so she came up to the shore and sitting on a rock in middle of the sea. That she can appear to george.

George saw her, melissa in that moon from back side sitting on a rock looking like real goddess. Her small and pearl blouse, her shiny tail her beautifull hair flying in the air. All her curves making him mad.

"Helo!" George loudly shouted that can hear by melissa.

Melissa then tried to jump into water because she dont know that he didn't left from here.

Seeing her jumped into water and hid behind the rock. He shouted very loudly.

"Okay! No use of hiding my love. I love you forever." george was happy to see her and because of his voice woke up.

Oh,melissa! What did you just do talking to his self.

Then melissa with tears went into water. George smiled and with mr fish he went to palace.

Its morning, george woke up early and he also disturbed's sleep. He is looking pretty happy today.

He went to walter's room with

"Good morning father!" entered the room and wished.

"Ohh! Greta aunt. Good morning! I wont disturb you. Enjoy" he said and left already.

"Its good to see him that happy" walter smiled at greta.

"I dont think so" greta face looking dull and sad.

"What happened greta?" he asked.

"You im able to foresee what will happen in the future right?"

"Yes, so what?" walter asked.

"Yes, george and melissa wont able to make it" greta said.

"What are you saying?" walter started to worried.

" Their love wont win freezy, they cant be able to together" she cried.

"What,what?" cant speak out.

"Yes, the fate brought them together and at last it will separate them. Their love ends with disaster" greta concluded.

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