The fate wins

Henry ruined everything which makes george frustrated so much. Henry pretends like he was just entering the room.

"What brings you here brother?" george asked.

"Yes! Actually i came here to ask about your details. I mean what flowers do you like for your wedding?" henry asked.

"Leave it to us henry! he'll manage" melissa replied and smiled.

"Oh, okay then i will be going" henry said but dont want to go.

If i leave them like these, george wont leave her. What to do? - henry thought and lied to him.

"George! Father is not feeling well. I think he is overthinking about you." henry lied.

Then george left to see walter, melissa closed the room and went to her room. Walter and greta, rubina are talking so happily.

When george saw them like that, he started to get confused but then walter called him.

"Ah! My boy! Here he comes" walter feeling so happy.

"Hai father! Are you okay?" george asked.

"Yes!Im so happy and alright" walter laughed.

Then he sharply gazed at henry. Henry rolled his eyes.

"Okay! father,We are going tonight" george said.

"Where son?"

"Father tomorrow's my wedding. So, we're going to our palace tonight. I already spoke to sea god he will reach by our wedding time" george said.

When did he do all these? henry shocked.

"Okay son!" walter and everybody are ready to go.

Its almost 6:0pm

Everybody are ready to go.

"Father!Be carefull. Please come fast dont be late." melissa said with sadness in her voice and hugged him.

"My sweet daughter! My little princess! Im so happy that you're a grown up now. From now onwards, george will take care of you and i trust him" sea god put her daughter hand into george's hand.

"I wont make you regret it!" george said.

And everybody happily went to george's palace. Old lady grandly arranged everything for their entry and bethany helped her. Because when she came to know that her husband william is such a cruel bastard she feels sorry for him. But happy for george and melissa.

As melissa entered she ran to old lady and hugged her so tightly and cried.

"Go away! You left me!" old lady is mad at her.

"Im so sorry mother!I love you, i missed you so much" She cried.

Then old lady's anger softened like butter.

After entering to the palace, melissa and old lady chatted for a while and melissa explained everything what happened.

Then suddenly she remembered rubina.

"Mother! Did you saw rubina?"melissa asked.

"Um! No! Isn't she came with you?" old lady questioned.

"Yes! But after i met you i didn't see her".

Then rubina came to them and looking like little tense.

"Where have you been?" melissa asked doubt fully.

"Hm! Im with henry" rubina slipped her tongue.

"What? What are doing with him? Recently i noticed that you're spending more time with henry. What's the matter?" melissa asked.

"Oh! Melissa! dear sister. Actually we're couple now" rubina said.

"What?" melissa and old lady shouted amd shocked at a time.

"Why that shock? Im in love with him from long time. And now he also fell in love with me" rubina is blushing.

"Aw! You naughty! You came here to help me but you already planned everything" ?melissa making fun of her.

But rubina is not so happy. Some what she is worried about melissa.


Henry when overheard their conversation, he planned to stop the wedding but took rubina's help. He lied to rubina.

"Rubina, i want your help!" henry asked so attractively.

"What is it? henry" she asked.

"We have to stop their wedding" henry said.

"What ? Why?" rubina asked.

"Please please rubina, You're the only one that can help me. Please co-operate with me.I want you to do something" henry begged.

"No! This wedding is my sister's and your brother's dream. I cant ruin it" rubina rejected it.

Then henry worried about losing melissa so he tricked her.

"I will marry you if you help me with this. I love you please rubina" henry kissed her.

Rubina felt so happy for his words and accepts to ruin her sister melissa's marriage. She dont want to do it, but she was completely manipulated and drowned in henry's love. So, she accepts.

"Okay, what can i do?"

"Thank you rubina" he hugged and he whispered the plan in rubina's ears. Rubina was shocked and afraid to do it but dared and did a big sin in her life.


"Why are you looking so tense sister?" melissa asked.

Watching her affection and love ,rubina cried inside her heart.

"Nothing sister" rubina hugged melissa.

Then suddenly george knocked the door.


"George"! old lady hugged.

"Hi aunty! I missed you so much" he hugged old lady and melissa is standing behind old lady. When george hugged old lady with his two hands. He pinched melissa's waist with his hand.

"Okay george! So you came for melissa?" old lady asked.

"Hm"george smiled.

Then rubina and old lady left both of them in privacy.

"Why did you come here?" melissa asked.

"Im your half husband,do i need your permission to see you?" george said.

"Hm, okay tell me what brings you here?"

"Um, no! Come! I will show you" george winked.

Melissa followed george and secretly henry also followed them. George took her to his bed room and make her sat on his bed.

"Close your eyes"! george said.

Melissa just did like what he said.

george got a present for her, its a big painting.

"Okay open your eyes!"

Melissa opened her eyes

"What are you hiding?" melissa asked.

George hiding something behind his back.

Then he showed it to her. Its a gorgeous painting which made her feels shy and blushed.

"George!" melissa also shocked.

"Did you like it?"

"I love it. Unforgettable gift" melissa smiled.

Henry was unable to see it and waiting for a chance to see it.

Melissa hugged george so tightly and kissed him. Then both of them left their room to see the wedding arrangements.

Whats so special about this painting that made her kissed him.- henry asking to him self. And entered in george's room without his permission.

And he took and looked at it. He was shocked and his anger is almost at the peak. He wants to tear that into pieces, but waiting for tomorrow to tear it into million pieces.

Its the painting of both george and melissa. The painting is so beautifull its painting of george and melissa that they we're nude and kissing eachother in the middle of the ocean while standing at night time.

The painting is so beautifull, both are nude and melissa's breast is covered one side with her hair and other side george with his hand covered her another boob. In the middle of ocean with moonlight, both are so close and kissing each other. The painting is like heaven its so beautifull.

Henry placed it where it was and left from there.

The next day, its their wedding day.

Melissa wore a beautifull sleeve less red gown with white crown on her head with long hair looking so beautifull. George also wore a red matching dress. They are descending the steps, they are like king and queen ,god and goddess. They are perfect match for each other.

"Walter, old lady and greta are staring at them. Well, rubina is so tense and also depressed.

George and melissa planned their wedding at the great hill. The hill is so high with beautifull enviornment. Both of them with every one went their. But rubina and henry both are went atlast with their powerfull plan.

Well, everybody went to the great hill. Both of them ready for their wedding. Walter and everybody are so happy to watch this ceremony. Then george and melissa waiting for rubina and sea god.

Rubina and henry are just arrived but sea god didn't reach on time. Both are waited for long time then convinced to move on and marry.

Melissa and george stood at the end of the hill, the wind is so strong. Melissa and george stood infront of each other and holding their hands. Promising to each other, and its their last promise. Their wedding is about to end.

Then suddenly everybody there lost their consciousness and fell on the ground except rubina and henry.

George and melissa stopped at their last promise and ran to the people and confused about them. Then henry showed his true self. Henry took out the magical powerful stick.

Big shock for melissa and also george.

"How did you get it?" melissa asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Ha ha! Shocked eh?" henry laughed at her.

"How did you get this?" george shouted.

Henry and rubina looked into each other. Henry laughed.


"Please rubina help me i will marry you?" henry begged.

Rubina accepted and helped him. Then henry to kill george he wants to rob sea god's magical stick. But he cant do anything so asked for rubina's help. Because she is one who is able to help him.

Henry knew that the power magical stick is guarding by the snake. So, as he cant defeat the snake. He fooled the snake. The snake's weakness is song. When a mermaid sings a song for him he will sleep like anything. So, when rubina sang a song for snake mucha he slept so the magical power stick is guard less.

He and rubina took it and brought to the palace.


"Sister" melissa is so angry on rubina.

"Im so sorry! I loved him" rubina crying and begging her.

"You did a sin sister! And you will get punished for it so soon or later." melissa.

"Why? why did you do it?" melissa asked with anger and sadness.

"For you darling?" henry laughed.

"Me?" melissa with tears in her eyes.

" You bastard"! george caught his collar. Henry suddenly stabbed him with that magical stick and also uses a spell to kill him.

George in his last moments hugged her and

"Im sorry melissa, i couldn't help you" george fell at the edge of the hill.

"I wont leave him george"!melissa used her powers to kill him.

Then with that stick he escaped from every attack of melissa he pulled melissa close to him with that magical stick. He tried to kiss her.

"Huh!Melissa, marry me i will take care of you"henry touched her lips.

"Dont touch me" ! melissa shouted.

"Henry leave her, what are you doing. What you said to me and now what is thi?" rubina shouted.

"Fool, dont you understand it! He tricked you to kill him and to reach me". melissa brainwashed her.

"What? is it true?"rubina cried and caught his collar.

"Of course! I loved you sister! Not you!" henry stabbed rubina. And rubina spot dead.

"Noo!" melissa screamed.

"Please save him" melissa begging for george to save him.

"No, darling i cant!" henry tried to kiss her.

Melissa pushed him away and tried to take that powerful stick.

Here sea god with snake ascending the hill. Henry noticed them amd hurried to take the stick from melissa. Both henry and melissa fighting to get that stick.

Henry looking his behind and suddenly stabbed melissa in hurry. Melissa also spot dead..

"Noo" ! Henry cried for her.

George still alive but not more than minutes.

"Look you bastard!Today we lose. But if we have another birth, mark my words 'I wont leave you'.

Then george carried melissa and crying for her. "im sorry melissa, im sorry! I love you" george kissed her on the forehead and he took her to the edge of the hill and ready to jump.

Sea god arrived and caught henry. Henry laughed out of cruelty. He took the painting and like he said before he teared it apart into two pieces and said.

"If i dont get it!Then i will ruin it" henry laughed and the next minute snake swallowed him.

"Sea god! Sorry i couldn't save her. I wanted to marry her but it wont happened anyways, atleast we will die together!

Good bye" george cried and jumped with melissa from that hill.

george with melissa jumped from the hill and before his few seconds to die, he looked at melissa and her face and her flying hair in air.

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Description: Hi fellows hope you liked my work please do support me.

And its not an end, its start to their another life.

THANK YOU,,,,❤️.