Second chance

Main roles:

Melissa - Isabella

George - shane

Henry - noah

Rubina - Alice

Lisa. - Arzu

Walter - Tyler


A man's hand with three rings. But one ring was so shiny and has mermaid and a man holding their hands each other. With that hand he was smoking in a dark night. He's face was not visible as it was dark.

"Wake up"! a loud noise.

"Ahhh!" afraid and suddenly wake up from her dream.

"Alice! Cant you mind your own business? You ruined my dream" isabella shouted at her sister.

"Oh, that routine dream? come on why are paying so much attention to that dream?" alice irritated.

"Shut up! If that dream really comes true. I will definetely marry him wheather he is ugly or anything. I will marry him." Isabella said.

"Come on! I bet there is so many rings out there like this". Alice said with lazy tone.

"No,no! My instincts saying that the ring is the only one in this world. Its okay leave it. Give me back my painting"! isabell tries to take away her painting.

"Huh, you want this? Then come on catch me" alice making fun of her and swimming away with her beautiful tail.

"You're dead, Im coming"!

Both sisters alice and isabel are playing with each other and finally she took her painting from alice. The painting is so much for isabel. Because its the painting of that ring that always appears in her dreams.

"Again im warning you, dont come close to this" isabel warned.

"Okay my sweet little sister! Come on our friends are waiting for us" alice hugged her sister from behind.

Isabella and alice has so many female and male mermaid friends. Today is isabel's 20th birthday. So, female mermaids with alice made a surprise for her.

Alice and isabel with their friends went to outside world so many times. Alice like humans so much ,but isabel is not like that. She hates them for some reasons and the old time stories of their nanny. They have a nanny she is sixty five years old who almost experienced everything in her life and also betrayed by loving a human. So, she became against to humans and decides to not love any one especially humans.

So, she fabricates her opinions on isabell and alice. Alice never trusted her but isabel always trusts her no matter what and thats why, because of her nanny . Isabell also hate humans so much.

Well, its her birthday. So, alice with some mermaids prepared a surprise for isabel. Alice took isabel and her friends to their old usual spot. Its a forest that nobody will enter, so everyday alice and isabel with some female mermaids used to play in that forest that was near to their homes.

Alice and other mermaids took isabel to their old spot and surprised her with a ring that was found by alice in the deep down ocean. Its the ring that has 'g' on it, it was shiny and also worthy. Because of isabel's liking in rings so much she gifted that ring to isabel.

"Wow! Its really really beautifull gift alice! Thank you so much." isabel with happy tears hugged her sister.

"It was so deep down in the ocean, i found it and took it with so risk just for you. And you're just saying thanks to me?" Alice folded her hands.

"Okay, tell me what do you want?" isabel asked her.

"Yeah! I want to go outside actually we all are. How about we go and see the outside world?" alice suggested.

"Shut up! By the way this forest also the outside world. We can play here and enjoy here!" isabel face became red and rejected.

"Please isabel, dont reject this. We all want to see outside world. Please!" alice and others begging.

Isabel looked at them for a while and accepted to go outside.

"Okay, for your sake"! isabel replied.

Everybody was happy and also decides to go this night .Nobody has any problems but alice and isabel have to solve a big problem to step outside.

They're well aware of their nanny. Alice planned something to her nanny.

"Isabel? How about we make her sleep all the night?" alice suggested.

"Stupid! Did you forgot? Our nanny has sleeping issues she cant sleep you knew it"

"Not that! I will get some liquid that will help nanny to sleep" alice said.

"What? A sleeping potion? No, no,! Its dangerous!" isabel rejected.

"God! Its not a sleeping potion. Its pure plant based liquid and its safe. please make sure that she will drink it tonight. Otherwise our plan will be upset. Please sister!" alice kindly asked her.

"Okay, but this last time"! Isabel said.

"Yeah yeah! Sure"! Alice laughed and brought the liquid.

Nanny and alice are most likely enemies they're like cat and mouse. Isabel is her favourite one.

"Nanny! Eat this, it will boost your immune system"! Isabel said.

"Yes nanny! Its so usefull for your health" alice said with nervous.

"You filthy lady! Stop it,Get out" nanny scolded her.

"Okay okay!" alice stepped backward.

As isabel already earned her nanny's trust. She eat those liquid mixed fruit and slowly slipped into deep sleep.

The female friends and alice, isabel started their swim to south side. Its a twist to alice and isabel's life. After they reached the south side, they got on land its a beach with nobody else but far away they noticed some lights and people walking,cars buzzing and their chattering.

"Wow! Uff babes you're so hot! Come with us!" Some drunken boys.

Alice ,isabel and others have no clothes on them thats why the drunken boys came near to them, and they tried to touch the female mermaids.

When they touched them the four drunken bastards are blowed away like dried leaf blown.

"See? They're dangerous!" isabel scolding them.

"No! I think we have to dress like them! Come wear it" alice said and took their clothes.

"Now what? " isabel was irritating because of alice words.

"Please isabel dont ruin this moment wear this" alice gave her some clothes.

"What am i supposed to do with these weird things?" isabel asked.

"Just put em on"! alice said.

All of them wore those clothes and the drunken men remains nude and unconscious there.

Alice and isabel with their friends entered the big city. Its high tech city, they all are mesmerised by the people living their and the tallest buildings.

Isabel also got impressed by the people there and but the people their especially the women looking them . Isabel didn't understand why they're looking at them so strangely.

Some people are laughing at them. Isabel and others went near to a television shop. And all of them surprised and thinking about the people in there.

"Sister! What a wonder, how can a human fit in this small box?" isabel asked so curiously .

The television shop owner suspects them as they all were attached their faces to the show room glasses and looking at the tvs so strangely.

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