Noah's strange behaviour

After isabel promised him that she'll help him to stop using his drugs. Then lately went to home and when they opened the door silently, there's tyler waiting for them like ghost.


"Uncle?" Both were shocked and afraid to see him in mid-night.

"Whats the time now?" tyler with serious look.

"What? You're not waiting for us?" noah asked.

"Shut up! Where were you been since this time?" tyler scolded.

"Uncle! Sorry uncle, my bad!" isabel requested tyler to excuse him.

"Okay, just because of you im excusing this jerk!"

"What? Jerk?"

Isabel laughing so hard.

This fresh morning, isabel and noah in the lawn doing some excercise, noah teaching her some yoga postures and isabel with her powers she is making him better and diverting his mind from drugs and womens.

"Okay, noah!Now sit on the mat" isabel teaching him to control his soul and mind.

"Okay now, close your eyes!" isabel sat infront of him.

she make his eyes close and with her two hands, she used her magic and cleanse his soul with her unique ability.

Then noah opened his eyes after few minutes without thinking anything. He opened his eyes and the first thing he saw is isabel's face with her flying hair in air. And her beautiful smile.

Noah now changed his mind and his mannerism. He started to look isabel as a special person and giving her more importance.

"Feeling good?" isabel asked.


"Yes, Do this everyday for month. Definetely will notice the results.

"Okay, lets have some breakfast!" tyler came.

And after a while, still shane is confused and thinking about the way rakha treated her. That moment he felt weird about her. Then shane's phone was buzzing.


"Hai there! Are you shane?"

"Yeah, who are you?"

"Hey, im noah's friend, he said that you want to meet me"

"Oh yeah yeah! Can we meet?" shane just remembered.

"Yep, how about 2pm? At Amile restuarant?"

"Yes! Sure" shane hung up.

Its the call from the guy who saw isabel veryclearly. And also got beaten up by isabel and also shane.

The guy didn't know about shane.

At amile restuarant shane is sat and waiting for him. Then the guy came and he saw shane but ignored and looking about the guy. Then shane raised his hand and the guy noticed him and tried to left the restuarant.

But shane requested him to sit. Then he told everything about the ring and the dream and how important to find her.

"Okay! Give me 50,000 dollars. Then i will show her to you." the guy asked.

"What? Did you saw her?" shane shocked.

"Of course, the girl hit me and took my clothes and second time also i got beaten up by her unfortunately, you helped her. Otherwise, i swear to god i will kill her"!

"Please forgive her, take this money! If you want more you can use my card. But please help me to find her" he took out his business card and gave him.

"Wooh! Okay, i will definetely help you from this day" the guy replied and ready to leave.

"Hey! hold on. What's your name?"

"Im josh! see you later!" he left.

" I will find you now or later"- shane thinking himself.

Isabel and noah became so close and within days tyler observed noah's behaviour. He is giving special attention to isabel. Now noah wants her to stay with him all time so noah praying to god -God! Please make her stay here forever.

"What are you doing noah?" a hand layed on noah's shoulder.

He turned back and replied "Nothing! im just praying".

"Praying? To whom?"

"To god! From today onwards i have only one wish!" he replied by looking into her eyes.

"Oh! What's your wish?" isabel asked.

"No,no. It has to be secret, so it will remain as secret." noah laughed.

"Okay! Then good night. Take care of uncle" she left.

So like that every morning, isabel spending most of her time with tyler,noah and also rakha. Their bond with isabel is strengthening day by day. And also the one thing that is worrying isabel is her sister.

She again started to searching for her sister. So, she doesn't know the city better but went out without anybody. Noah searching all over his house and now worrying very much about her and went out in search for her.

He was worried and searched her all day. Now its 9pm, he called his father about isabel then tyler talked worried and replied that she didn't arrived the home.

He is driving his car to every street. Here, isabel walking off the streets. Some rogues started to tease her. Its none other than noah's friend.

Its josh, maybe because of the fate josh again and again turning into isabel to cause trouble. Josh is drugged and doesn't have any sense about what he is doing.

He started to tease isabel with his drunken friends. Then isabel kicked his ass and slapped him on his face. Then for one second, he got blurred and then came into senses that she was the girl he wanted.

Then he took her picture because isabel is stronger than these human mortals. Josh knew her punch power so he didn't force her and also didn't dare to touch her. So he captured her with his phone.

Hi guys! Please do support me. Sorry for delay.

THANK YOU,,,,,❤️.