Alice is in danger

After shane met josh, he came to conciousness and again focusing on his bussiness. Because he found some hope in josh to find isabell.

Here noah looking for her everywhere and then noah's friends teasing her. Its again that josh. After he came to conciousness he clicked her pictures as fast as possbile because he recognised her punch power so instead of stopping her he let her go away.

Then on the main road noah found isabell with torned one shoulder of her dress. He stopped the car and stepped out of car suddenly and took off his coat and covered her clothes with his coat.

"why the hell you're doing this to me?" noah questioned.

"sorry to trouble you. But i want my sister as soon as possible" she cried .

isabell leaned her head on his chest and crying like a baby for her sister, then noah decided to find her sister.

The very fine morning, as usually isabell in the garden lawn waiting for noah. Then isabel went to rakha(the horse). Rakha with his bright shiny eyes looking like he is waiting for her.

" Hey there! how are you? you know something i feel very warmed and calm when i came to you. Because i can expose my real self to you and can speak to you very openly which feels too good." isabel speaking to rakha.

And rakha also able to understand her because of her unique ability of talking to animals.

"Hey! better not to stay too close" Shane coming to rakha.

Isabel smiles worried. she is thinking about her sister. And at noah's guest house, isabel's sister alice was in dreams with noah.

Noah here sincerely in love with alice's sister so he wants to send alice away from here.

Rakha's head is nodding towards her.

"isabell!" josh voice from behind.

"Ah here you came! you said that you would help me to find a person?" she asked him with a hope.

"sorry to disturb you, but whom you want to find ? Shane involved.

"Thats not your bussiness bro, leave us" noah took isabel away from shane.

"okay! cool" shane said.

"What?" isabel shake off his hand on her.

"Um im so sorry! i grabbed you here becUse i dont you to hurt like other ladies" noah said.

"what? what other ladies" she questioned.

"Ahg! i know shane is my brother but the truth is he is cruel he almost his spend every night with strange women. Then he left them in sorrow after his vicious desires" noah lied.

"Such a cruel person. How can he be so disrespectfull toward a women. I thought he was just decent and kind person like you. But there is a lot of difference between you and him. I m so lucky to have a person like you. I hate people who uses women for their worst desires. I pray for them" isabel started hating shane.

Sorry isabel,i want you to be with me - noah's inner feeling.

"leave him! please find my sister i have to leave this place as soon as possible" isabel worrying.

" What? no i dont let you go. Why are you saying such things isabel"? noah asked.

"I must go, i dont belong here" she cried and wiping her tears.

"What?" he couldnt understood.

"Um, i mean i dont belong here im from another city ,i just came here to find her." isabel hiding her truth.

So, if she find her. I will be left with nothing again. i cant let that happen- noah decided to not to help her but will be pretend to do so.

The night has stars like sparkling lights filled up in the black dark sky. The cold breeze like it came to chit chat about the ocean like it brought some news about ocean and ocean beings .

Isabel was just standing in the lawn her hair was flying with the air. From the building 's shane just coming by looking at the sky and saw isabel..

He didnt even recognized that he was smiling after seeing her at that time. Tyler came and noticed shane that he was 2nd time seeing shane smiling at a women like that with affection in his eyes. After her mother's death , he left with no mercy and affection towards a women.

Shane? a. hand leaned on shane's shoulder.

"Father, its cold out here! better to stay inside for sake of your health" shane concerning.

"DO you like her?" tyler smiled.

"Who?" shane is confused.

" The guest isabel !" he replied.

"What makes you question me this?" asked at the same time looking at her.

Noah went to isabel and they were started talking.

Shane's face expression was changed.

" I will ask you again, Do you like her"? tyler questioned.

"Father, of course no. But i think noah started liking her" shane answered.

"Stop beating around the bush. im your father, i can see some unspeakable bond between you and her " tyler spoke.

"Ha ha ha, Good night dad. There's nothing like you're thinking" shane left.

"Mmhm! " tyler smiling by looking at isabel.

**Ring ring***

Mobile vibrating,,,,

"Helo ?" noah speaking with lazy voice and closed eyes just woke up from the bed.

"Hey ,its me!" Alice spoke with excitement.

Noah rolled off from the bed and fell down. Suddenly he opened his eyes, his sleepiness is gone and came into senses.

"What happened dear? After that night ,i couldn't see you. You know, that was the most memorable sweetest night for me." Alice speaking

"God"! noah's face is like regretted.

Have to do something about this-noah thinking and biting his lip.

"Yeah, i will come to you today! Have to discuss something important with you."

"Oh, i will be waiting to see you, dear" alice kissed at phone.

--- hung up ---

Noah went to his special guest house near the beach, to meet her.

stepped out of car and went inside looking for her, walking around the house slowly in search of her with tense look.

Now he is ascending the steps and opened the bedroom door, there she was ,alice dressed like a goddess.

She wore red bra and panty( inner wear)

Looking at him so lustfully, bited her lower lip and winked at him. Noah didnt expect this,, he changed his mood and calmly loosing his tie and took off his coat.

" Let me help you" alice unbuttoned his shirt.

Both were kissing and his hand slowly reaching her breast.

He and her are forgot themselves and in a mood that they both were enjoying the present moment.

After sometime,noah wearing his pant and zipping it. And he was so regretted that he forgot the purpose he came here.

Sorry sorry sorry isabel!!! this will be the last time- he slapped himself two times.

" Tell me, noah!" she leaned on noah's chest on the bed.

" Um, i think alice! I got it wrong, i think we are not supposed to be together" noah's heart poundering with fear.

"What, are you serious? you came here for this???? and still you slept with me???? alice reacted so anger. She stood up and came out of the room.

" Listen im so sorry, but please forgive me. im in love with somebody else and i just didnt release that." noah closed his eyes and said without hesitate.

"Why are you doing this to me? i beliebed you and left my small sweet family" she shouted with tears in her eyes.

"God, i did a mistake, i did a grave mistake. i believed human so blindly"

" Hey please, stop" Noah was trying to stop her but she is not at that stage to listen him. She left home with tears.

"God" Alice crying and took a horrible decision.

Me:- Hey! im back , after couple of months im again started writing because of some people are still interested in my work. please do comment or suggest and do add to your wishlist. It'll be great motivation for me😄