5 Prince Shem Theodorus

Prince Shem Theodorus began to disperse his reverie which a moment ago had invoked the memory in his brain. The first time he met the girl he loved. When we first met in the palace garden as beautiful as that. Now he decided to get on the horse and drive fast. He wanted to meet Adaline there as soon as possible. He also wanted to get to the old, long abandoned castle, which was about 400 meters from the Serafin Palace.

according to information from the commander and his loyal bodyguard. Princess Adaline has been detained and secured there on her orders.

Prince Shem immediately climbed the old castle which was not so tall. He immediately wanted to see Adaline. The castle was safe from the rampage of his soldiers because it had been sterilized by his loyal guard Prince Shem. Commander Abraham.

The sound of the pounding of the shoe's footsteps could be heard in Adaline's ear.

"Is he Shem?" Her heart was beating even faster. She felt her body tremble from the fear that enveloped her.

"Kriek ...." the door slowly opened.

Then the prince walked over to Adaline who looked resigned at the corner of the castle wall.

"Adaline ... tell the truth. Why did your Kingdom betray my Kingdom? Why should it happen when our wedding day is near?" he said as he glared at Adaline's eyes.

"I really don't know anything. I'm not involved, Your Majesty," replied Princess Adaline sobbing.

"Did your father use you as bait to frame me ?," the accusation broke his heart even more.

"I don't know Your Majesty, really,"

she replied in a low voice.

"Now tell me. What is the guarantee that what you say is true? That you really don't know" The prince stood up, drawing his sword.

Meanwhile, Adaline was cowering in fear on the floor. She is very weak and doesn't know what to do ?.

"I swear in the name of God, if I get involved with Father's plan, then today you will see me die, either with your sword, someone else's sword or some other means that God predestined, but if tomorrow you find I am still alive, then I am telling the truth. to you," She replied with trembling lips.

"You know. There's no mercy for a traitor! Stand up, you. I'll close your eyes before I punish you." The prince took his belt to put on Adaline's eye patch.

"You said you really love me, can't you rely on your heart to touch mine. Am I honest or not about my Kingdom betrayal?" added Adaline.

"My love has been lost ever since I found out your Kingdom is a traitor!" Shem had finished tying the belt around Adaline's eyes.

"If you want to kill me. Please do it quickly so that the pain of my heart will also end at the end of this life," pleaded Adaline, still sobbing.

Actually Adeline was very scared. She is just a princess who doesn't know anything, in fact she has never been treated harshly since she was a child. She is always in a happy state. She had never felt the tense situation she had now, about to be slaughtered by her future husband whom she loved so much. Indeed, she never imagined that the happy day she was waiting for had to turn into such a gloomy and terrible day of bloodshed.

Shem walked around Adaline, he turned in a direction from left to right, he looked at the girl from head to toe.

Her waist-length hair was beautifully blonde, slightly wavy, and was flowing to captivate the Prince's heart.

Then he started stroking the girl's blonde hair, which was shiny golden in color. Shem wordlessly landed a kiss on Adaline's cheek.

"Damn! How can I cut off her head while I was so tempted by her tiny lips and her body shape so beautiful it enchants my heart," muttered Shem to himself.

Shem hugged Adaline tightly, he kissed her forehead and lips again with great affection while stroking her cheeks and hair.

"What should I do after this, my Lord?" said Adaline.

"I do not know ... I will try to save you and protect you from my father's punishment," replied Shem then hugged Adaline tightly.

Prince Shem tried to ward off his feelings, he thought it would be easy to kill his love for Adaline. Shem should have executed Adaline right now or took him to the Sadrach kingdom to be beheaded, but he could not lie to his heart. She still loved Adaline so much. The time he spent with Adaline this afternoon was a very precious time, he let go of his longing for his beautiful lover. They give and receive love and love for the first time. Adaline didn't think she could feel so happy right now. Shem still loves her. He is now still alive. Likewise with Shem, he did not expect to do that with Adaline. Everything just flows. Follows the desires of his heart. He also felt extraordinary happiness from Adaline.

"Meanwhile you will stay here Adaline, until I find a way to hide you. I also cannot accompany you. I must return to the palace immediately. Because my father must be waiting for me." Shem immediately picked up his clothes, and put on the clothes. He also took the girl's dress which was scattered on the floor.

"Am I going to be alone until late at night, my lord? I will be afraid here alone." She asked objecting to Shem's decision.

Shem explained that he could not possibly bring Adaline to the palace. Shem also couldn't possibly take her with him. Because it is very fatal to know Adaline is with him. The girl will be punished in the palace. That would be very dangerous. As a sign of his love for Adaline, he would order Commander Abraham to guard him until the next day.

Shem hopes he has found a way to hide Adaline from the pursuit of the Sadrach Kingdom.

"Shem, please don't leave me." Adaline got up and ran, she immediately hugged Shem's body tightly.

"I'll see you tomorrow, the palace is definitely looking for me, Adaline. Abraham will be here soon, he will take care of you until morning. Trust me," Shem calmed Adaline's frantic heart.

Prince Shem raised Adaline's face. Looking at her meaningfully, Shem wiped Adaline's tears. Then again landed his kiss gently on Adaline. As a sign that Shem actually still misses him, but this difficult situation means that all his movements will not be free for a while.

"I'll go to the palace first," Shem was about to leave.

"Shem, please if you have found my father and mother. Do not be beheaded, have mercy on us Shem, just give life sentences until they expire their life, but do not be beheaded my lord," Adaline cried with heartbreaking strokes. How she did not want his father and mother to die in such a pathetic manner.

"I can't promise Adaline. The problem is that your King and Queen are traitors, there is no mercy for traitors. Or the Sadrach Kingdom will look fragile in the eyes of the world. More and more will underestimate it later if we are not strict with sanctions," Shem explained to her lover.

"But ... they are my father and mother, they will also be your parents if you still love me?" pleaded Adaline pitifully.

"They are father and mother who are not exemplary. They should not be used as fathers and mothers, because they have failed to bring happiness to their families." Shem expression with a red face.